ARG’s disparities research focuses on identifying, understanding and preventing inequitable alcohol-related health outcomes and conditions experienced by specific population groups. Such inequities are often identified along racial or ethnic lines but can also be experienced by people who have limited access to health services, live in poorer neighborhoods or face discrimination because of their gender or sex. With over 30 years combined experience in researching disparities and alcohol-related issues, our scientists bring to the field an extensive collection of skills, knowledge and expertise that has advanced methodology in the field, influenced policy, and identified knowledge gaps in understanding differences between groups.
- Scientists
Current Projects
- 2023-2024 National Alcohol Survey Sexual and Gender Minority Oversample
- Trauma, Substance Use, and Incarceration Over the Lifecourse: Identifying Social Supports to Promote Resiliency in a US National Cohort Study
- COVID-19 Center Project
- Quality of Alcohol-Related Care Received: Missed Opportunities, Disparities and Impacts of Health Reform
- Understanding Disparities in Alcohol Treatment Services Utilization
- Neural Basis of Alcohol/Substance Use Disorders and Suicide in American Indians
- Social, Individual and community influences on alcohol use disorders and other mental health behaviors in Mexican Americans
- California Reducing Disparities Project—Phase II: Asian American and Pacific Islander Technical Assistance Provider: Special Service for Groups
- Effects of Marriage Recognition on Substance Abuse and Health for Women
- Substance and Non-Prescribed Hormone Use Among Transmen
- Inflammation and alcohol-related racial/ethnic health disparities
- Epidemiology of Alcohol Problems: Disparities in alcohol-related risks for injury, diabetes and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (A Center Research Component)
Completed Projects
- Disaggregating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to identify mechanisms of adolescent suicide risk
- Alcohol and Tobacco Use and Desistance Among Asian Americans: A Lifecourse Examination of Critical Periods and Subgroup Disparities
- Disrupting Pathways from Early Adversity to Adult Substance Abuse: Identifying Education Resilience Factors in Diverse Groups
- Community College Smokefree Policies: Disparities, Contexts and Strategies
- Drinking Patterns, Lifestyle Factors & Chronic Conditions In Asian Americans
- Inter-relationships Between Life-course Alcohol Patterns and Health Conditions
- Evaluating thoughts and attitudes of Latinos about providing biological samples for alcohol research
- Disadvantage and Sociocultural Modifiers in Asian American Drinking
- Factors Responsible for Racial-Gender Disparities in Alcohol Services Use
- Substance Use Treatment Among Sexual Minority Women (A Center Pilot Study)
- Addiction Recovery Residences to Improve Health Outcomes in High-Risk Men
- Differential Effects of Alcohol-related Policy Across U.S. Population Subgroups (A Center Research Component)
- Hotspots: Understanding Areas of Concentrated Alcohol and Drug Problems at the US-Mexico Border (A Center Research Component)
- Addiction Recovery Residences to Improve Health Outcomes in High-Risk Men
- Race/ethnicity, Socioeconomic Disadvantage, and Disparities in Alcohol Problems (A Center Research Component)
- Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment (A Center Pilot Study)
- Sexual Orientation Differences: Prevalence & Correlates of Substance Use & Abuse
- Randomized Trial of Intensive MI to Improve Drinking Outcomes among Women
- Economic Contraction and Alcohol-related Suicides: A Multi-level Analysis
- Understanding Racial Disparities in Heavy Drinking over the Life Course
- Effects of Disadvantage and Protective Resources on Alcohol-Related Disparities
- Identifying Modifiable Influences on Alcohol Problems in High-Risk Neighborhoods
- Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Alcohol Outcomes: Moderators and Mediators
- Epidemiology of Drinking and Disorders in Border vs. Non-Border Contexts
- Alcohol and Mortality: Ethnic and Social Influences
Selected Publications
- Mulia, N., Zhu, Y., Phillips, A. Z., Ye, Y., Bensley, K. M. K., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2024). Inequities in alcohol screening of primary care patients with chronic conditions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 67 (6) 932-940 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., Martinez, P., Patterson, D., Kerr, W. C., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2023). Inequitable access to general and behavioral healthcare in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic: A role for telehealth?. Preventive Medicine, 169, 107426 Abstract or Full Text
- Sadler, R. C., Wojciechowski, T. W., Trangenstein, P., Harris, A., Buchalski, Z., & Furr-Holden, D. (2023). Linking historical discriminatory housing patterns to the contemporary alcohol environment. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 16 (2) 561-581 Abstract or Full Text
- Surace, A., Kang, A., Kahler, C. W., & Operario, D. (2023). “I’m gay with an asterisk”: How intersecting identities influence LGBT strengths. Journal of Homosexuality, 8 1-21 Abstract or Full Text
- Cano, M. Á., De La Rosa, M., Schwartz, S. J., Salas-Wright, C. P., Keum, B. T. H., Lee, C. S., Pinedo, M., Cobb, C. L., Field, C. A., Sanchez, M., Castillo, L. G., Martinez, P., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Piña-Watson, B., & de Dios, M. A. (2023). Alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining intragroup marginalization, bicultural self-efficacy, and the role of gender within a stress and coping framework. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 49 (2) 172–182 Abstract or Full Text
- Puka, K., Kilian, C., Zhu, Y. Mulia, N., Buckley, C., Lasserre, A.M., Rehm, J., Probst, C. (2023). Can lifestyle factors explain racial and ethnic inequalities in all-cause mortality among US adults?. BMC Public Health, 23 1591 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Kerr, W. C., Tam, C. C., & Li, L. (2023). Risky drinking and other drug use in adults with chronic conditions in the United States: Differential associations by race/ethnicity. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 58 (5) 523-531 Abstract or Full Text
- Lui, C. K., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Patterson, D., & Trieu, S. L. (2022). School and community factors associated with the adoption of 100% smoke-free policy by California community colleges, 2003-2019. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36 (5) 869–875 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Lui, C. K., Bensley, K., & Subbaraman, M. S. (2022). Effects of Medicaid expansion on alcohol and opioid treatment admissions in US racial/ethnic groups. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1 (231) 109242 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Witbrodt, J., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Li, L., Lui, C. K., & Zapolski, T. (2022). Education matters: Longitudinal pathways to mid-life heavy drinking in a national cohort of Black Americans. Addiction, 117 (8) 2225–2234 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Li, L., Tam, C. C., Mulia, N., & Kerr, W. C. (2022). Associations of clustered health risk behaviors with diabetes and hypertension in White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American adults. BMC Public Health, 22 (773) 773 Abstract or Full Text
- Lui, C. K., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Patterson, D., & Trieu, S. L. (2022). School and community factors associated with the adoption of 100% smoke-free policy by California community colleges, 2003-2019. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36 (5) 869-875 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Ye, Y., & Kerr, W. C. (2022). Racial/ethnic and gender differences in risk of injury and life-course drinking patterns: Data from US national alcohol surveys. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 57 (3) 340-346 Abstract or Full Text
- Fields, L., Young, D. A., Patel, A. R., Munroe, C., Shumway, M., Bell, S., & Richer, L. A. (2022). Drug-facilitated sexual assault, impaired trauma memory, and implications for mental health treatment. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13 (1) 2057165 Abstract or Full Text
- Katherine J. Karriker-Jaffe, Laurie A. Drabble, Libo Li, Cat Munroe, Amy A. Mericle, Karen F. Trocki, Tonda L. Hughes (2022). Comparing substance use outcomes by sexual identity among women: Differences using propensity score methods. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 238 109567 Abstract or Full Text
- Bensley, K. M. K., Kerr, W. C., Barnett, S. B., & Mulia, N. (2022). Postmortem screening of opioids, benzodiazepines, and alcohol among rural and urban suicide decedents. The Journal of Rural Health, 38 (1) 77-86 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L. A., Munroe, C., Mericle, A. A., Zollweg, S., Trocki, K. F., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2022). Corrigendum to ‘Impact of the policy environment on substance use among sexual minority women’. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 4 100080
- Drabble, L. A., Mericle, A. A., Munroe, C., Cerezo, A., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Hughes, T. L., & Trocki, K. F. (2022). Examining the differential protective effects of women’s spirituality and religiosity on alcohol and marijuana use by sexual identity. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 16 100450 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Tiongson, P. J. D., Lu, Y., Lipson, S. K., Xuan, Z., Naimi, T. S., & Jernigan, D. H. (2022). Gender and sexual identity and harms from others’ drinking among US college students: Results from a multi-campus survey. Journal of American College Health, Online ahead of print. Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Gilder, D. A., Li, L., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Duhart Clarke, S. E., & Ehlers, C. L. ( (2022). Age of onset and alcohol and cannabis use disorders among Mexican American young adults: Robust substance-specific effects of early use as a risk factor. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 10 1-21 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L. A., Mericle, A. A., Munroe, C., Cerezo, A., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Hughes, T. L., & Trocki, K. F. (2022). Examining the differential protective effects of women’s spirituality and religiosity on alcohol and marijuana use by sexual identity. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 16 100450 Abstract or Full Text
- Puka, K., Buckley, C., Mulia, N., Lasserre, A. M., Rehm, J., & Probst, C. (2022). Educational attainment and lifestyle risk factors associated with all-cause mortality in the US. JAMA Health Forum, 3 (4) e220401 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Tam, C. C., Luczak, S. E., Kerr, W. C., Mulia, N., Lui, C., & Li, L. (2021). Alcohol consumption, cardiovascular related conditions, and ALDH2*2 ethnic group prevalence in Asian Americans. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45 (2) 418-428 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S. E., Gilbert, P. A., Pinedo, M., Tsutsumi, S., McGeough, B., & Dickerson, D. L. (2021). Racial/ethnic disparities in mutual-help group participation for substance use problems. Alcohol Research , 41 (1) Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., & Greenfield, T. K. (2021). Drinking and neighborhood contexts of alcohol’s harms from others. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Lui, C. K., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Intersections of neighborhood co-ethnic density and nativity status on heavy drinking in a general population sample of US Latinos and Asians. Alcohol and Alcoholism , 56 (1) 74-81 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Li, X., Sundquist, K., Kendler, K. S., Sundquist, J., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Drinking cultures and socioeconomic risk factors for alcohol and drug use disorders among first- and second-generation immigrants: A longitudinal analysis of Swedish population data. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Li, L., Kerr, W. C., & Greenfield, T. K (2021). The Great Recession, behavioral health, and self-rated health: An examination of racial/ethnic differences in the US. Addictive Behaviors, Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M. S., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., & Kerr, W. C. (2021). Alcohol policy effects on 100% chronic alcohol-attributable mortality across racial/ethnic subgroups. Preventive Medicine , 145 (3) Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Drabble, L., Trocki, K. F., Hughes, T. L., & Greenfield, T. K. (2021). Harm from others’ drinking among sexual minority adults in the United States., 8 (1) 50-59 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W.K., Tam, C.C., Luczak, S., Kerr, W.C., Mulia, N., Lui, C., Li, L. (2021). Alcohol consumption, cardiovascular-related conditions, and ALDH2*2 ethnic group prevalence in Asian Americans. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45 (2) 418-428 Abstract or Full Text
- Chartier, K. G., Martinez, P., Cummings, C., Riley, B. P., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Recruiting for diversity: a pilot test of recruitment strategies for a national alcohol survey with mail-in genetic data collection. The Journal of Community Genetics, 12 (3) 459-468 Abstract or Full Text
- Gartner, R.E., (2021). A new gender microaggressions taxonomy for undergraduate women on college campuses: a qualitative examination. Violence Against Women, 27 (14) 2768-2790 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Patterson, D., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Kerr, W. C., Gilder, D. A., & Ehlers, C. L. (2021). Childhood experiences and high-intensity drinking among American Indian and Alaska Native adults: findings from the 2000-2015 National Alcohol Surveys. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82 (5) 564-575 Abstract or Full Text
- Jacobs, L.A., Skeem, J.L. (2021). Neighborhood risk Factors for recidivism: For whom do they matter?. American Journal of Community Psychology, 67 1-2 Abstract or Full Text
- McGeough, B. L., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Zemore, S. E. (2021). Rates and predictors of Alcoholics Anonymous attendance across sexual orientations. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 129 108400 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Greenfield, T.K. (2021). Drinking and neighborhood contexts of alcohol’s harms from others. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56 (6) 695-701 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L.A., Mericle, A.A., Munroe, C. (2021). Examining perceived effects of same-sex marriage legalization among sexual minority women: Identifying demographic differences and factors related to alcohol use disorder, depression, and self-perceived health. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19 (3) 1285–1299 Abstract or Full Text
- Riggle, E., Drabble, L. A., Bochicchio, L. A., Wootton, A. R., Veldhuis, C. B., Munroe, C., & Hughes, T. L. (2021). Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among African American, Latinx, and White Sexual Minority Women: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study. Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity, 8 (2) 145-158 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L. A., Mericle, A. A., Wootton, A. R., Munroe, C., Li, L., Trocki, K. F., & Hughes, T. (2021). Measuring the impact of legal recognition of same-sex marriage among sexual minority women. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 17 (4) 371-392 Abstract or Full Text
- Bochicchio, L. A., Drabble, L. A., Riggle, E., Munroe, C., Wootton, A. R., & Hughes, T. L. (2021). Understanding alcohol and marijuana use among sexual minority women during the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive phenomenological study. Journal of Homosexuality, 68 (4) 631-646 Abstract or Full Text
- Cobb, C. L., Schwartz, S. J., Salas-Wright, C. P., Pinedo, M., Martinez, P., Meca, A., Isaza, A. G., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., McClure, H., Marsiglia, F. F., Martínez, C. R., & Cano, M. Á. (2021). Alcohol use severity, depressive symptoms, and optimism among Hispanics: Examining the immigrant paradox in a serial mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76 (12) 2329-2344 Abstract or Full Text
- Trocki, K.F., Mericle, A.A., Drabble, L.A., Klinger, J.L., Veldhuis, C.B., Hughes, T.L., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2020). Investigating differential protective effects of marriage on substance use by sexual minority status. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research , 8 (2) 69-80 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S. E., Lui, C., & Mulia, N. (2020). The downward spiral: Socioeconomic causes and consequences of alcohol dependence among men in late young adulthood, and relations to racial/ethnic disparities. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44 (3) 669-678 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Kerr, W. C., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Li, L., Lui, C. K., & Greenfield, T. K. (2020). Racial/ethnic variations in clustered risk behaviors in the U.S. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58 (1) e21-e29 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Mulia, N., & Li, L. (2020). Subjective social status and financial hardship: Associations of alternative indicators of socioeconomic status with problem drinking in Asian Americans and Latinos. Substance Use & Misuse, 55 (8) 1246-1256 Abstract or Full Text
- Pinedo, M., Zemore, S., & Mulia, N. (2020). Black-White differences in barriers to specialty alcohol and drug treatment: findings from a qualitative study. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 21 (1) 1-15 Abstract or Full Text
- Pinedo, M., Zemore, S., Beltrán-Girón, J., Gilbert, P., & Castro, Y. (2020). Women’s barriers to specialty substance abuse treatment: A qualitative exploration of racial/ethnic differences. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22 (4) 653-660 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Bensley, K.M. (2020). Alcohol-related disparities among women: Evidence and potential explanations. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40 (2) 09 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C. (2020). Ethnic enclaves and ethnoburbs: Are there differences in associations with juvenile offense type among Asian Americans?. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Tam, C. C., Cook, W. K., Greenfield, T. K., & Roberts, S. (2020). Gender equality, drinking cultures and second-hand harms from alcohol in the 50 US states. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23) Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P.J., Mulia, N., Lui C.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Greenfield T.K., Jones-Webb R.(2020). Support for alcohol policies in marginalized populations. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56 (4) 500–509 Abstract or Full Text
- Munroe, C., & Shumway, M. (2020). Female-perpetrated sexual violence: a survey of survivors of female-perpetrated childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Ye, Y., Williams, E., Mulia, N., & Cherpitel, C. J. (2020). Trends and disparities in American Indian/Alaska Native unintentional injury mortality from 1999 to 2016. Injury Prevention, Abstract or Full Text
- Munroe, C., Clerkin, E. M., & Kuvalanka, K. (2020). The impact of peer and family functioning on transgender and gender-diverse children’s mental health. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29 (7) 2080-2089 Abstract or Full Text
- Gilbert, Paul A., Pro, George, Zemore, Sarah E., Mulia, Nina, Brown, Grant (2019). Gender differences in use of alcohol treatment services and reasons for non-use in a national sample. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, Abstract or Full Text
- Mericle, Amy A., Carrico, Adam W., Hemberg, Jordana, Stall, Ronald, Polcin, Douglas L. (2019). Improving recovery outcomes among MSM: the potential role of recovery housing. Journal of Substance Use, 24 (2) 140-146 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., & Tseng, W. (2019). Associations of Asian ethnicity and parental education with overweight in Asian American children and adolescents: An analysis of 2011-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23 (4) 504-511 Abstract or Full Text
- Ehlers CL, Phillips E, Kim C, Wills DN, Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Gilder DA. (2019). CR-19-0950: Event-related responses to alcohol-related stimuli in Mexican-American young adults: Relation to age, gender, comorbidity and “dark side” symptoms.. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 202 76-86 Abstract or Full Text
- Martinez, P., & Zemore, S. E. (2019). Feasibility of a mail-in, self-administered dried blood spot collection method in national, population-based alcohol surveys in the United States. Addiction , 114 (7) 1303-1308 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Dauria, E. F., Cook, M. C., Ti, A., Comfort, M., & Tolou-Shams, M. (2019). Justice involvement and girls’ sexual health: Directions for policy and practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 98 278-283 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Tam, C.C., Cook, W.K., Greenfield, T., Roberts, S.C.M. (2019). Gender equality, drinking cultures and second-hand harms from alcohol in the 50 US states. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23) 4619 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C. (2019). Beyond the immigrant enclave: Differentiating between coethnic neighborhoods for the study of health and social problems. GeoJournal , 84 (4) 983-999 Abstract or Full Text
- Lui, C.K., Kerr, W.C., Mulia, N., Ye, Y. (2018). Educational differences in alcohol consumption and heavy drinking: an age-period-cohort perspective. Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 186 36-43 Abstract or Full Text
- Martinez, P., Lien, L., Zemore, S., Bramness, J.G., Neupane, S.P. (2018). Circulating cytokine levels are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety among people with alcohol and drug use disorders. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 318 80-86 Abstract or Full Text
- Lui, C.K. and Mulia, N. (2018). A life course approach to understanding racial/ethnic differences in transitions into and out of alcohol problems. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53(4) 487-496 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia N., Ye, Y., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore S.E., and Jones-Webb, R. (2018). Protective factors as an explanation for the “paradox” of Black-White differences in heavy drinking. Substance Use and Misuse, 53 (12) 2003-16 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Li, L., & Greenfield, T.K. (2018). Estimating mental health impacts of alcohol’s harms from other drinkers: using propensity scoring methods with national cross-sectional data from the United States. Addiction, 113(10) 1826-1839 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Greenfield, T.K., Mulia, N., & Zemore, S.E. (2018). Ten-year trend in women’s reasons for abstaining or limiting drinking: the 2000 and 2010 United States National Alcohol Surveys. Journal of Women's Health, 27(5) 665-675 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, Laurie A., Trocki, Karen F., Salcedo, Brenda, Morales, Bobbi R., Korcha, Rachael A. (2018). Strengths and coping strategies in the life narratives of sexual minority women. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 30 (4) 409-429 Abstract or Full Text
- Tedor, M.F., Quinn, L.M., Wilsnack, S.C., Wilsnack, R.W., Greenfield, T.K., (2018). Gender and country differences in alcohol-aggression expectancy and alcohol-related intimate partner violence. Deviant Behavior, 39 (5) 554-575 Abstract or Full Text
- Tedor, M.F., Quinn, L.M., Wilsnack, S.C., Wilsnack, R.W., Greenfield, T.K (2018). The gender difference in the association between early onset of drinking and problem drinking between the U.S. and Japan. Deviant Behavior, 39 1578-1599 Abstract or Full Text
- Ramos, R., Cherpitel, C.J., Alvarez, J., Beltran, O., Woolard, R., Villalobos, S., Bernstein, J., Bernstein, E., (2018). Preparing Mexican-origin community health advocates. Pedagogy in Health Promotion , 4 247-253 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C., (2018). Beyond the immigrant enclave: Differentiating between coethnic neighborhoods for the study of health and social problems. GeoJournal , Abstract or Full Text
- Mericle, A.A., de Guzman, R., Hemberg, J., Yette, E., Drabble, L., Trocki, K., (2018). Delivering LGBT-sensitive substance use treatment to sexual minority women. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services , 30 (4) Abstract or Full Text
- Wilsnack, S.C., Greenfield, T.K., Bloomfield, K.A., (2018). The GENAHTO Project (Gender and Alcohol’s Harm to Others): design and methods for a multinational study of alcohol’s harm to persons other than the drinker. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 7 37-47
- Cherpitel, C.J., Korcha, R.A., Witbrodt, J., Ye, Y., (2018). Risk of alcohol-related injury: does societal drinking context make a difference?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79 876-880 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Witbrodt, J., Bond J, Williams, E., Zemore, S.E. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in 30-year trajectories of heavy drinking in a nationally representative U.S. sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 170, 133-141 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Ye, Y., Lown, E.A., Cherpitel, C.J., Zemore, S., Borges, G. (2017). Alcohol use patterns and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder on both sides of the US-Mexico border. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 41 (4) 769-778 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Tam, T.W., Bond, J., Zemore, S.E., Li, L. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in life-course heavy drinking from adolescence to midlife. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17(2) 167-186 Abstract or Full Text
- Wallisch L, Zemore SE, Cherpitel CJ, Borges G (2017). Wanting and getting help for substance problems on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 19 (5) 1174-1185 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook W.K., John I., Chung C., Tseng W., Lee J.P. (2017). Medicaid expansion and healthcare access: lessons from Asian American and Pacific Islander experiences in California. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 19 (4) 995-999 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Ji J, Sundquist J, Kendler KS, Sundquist K (2017). Disparities in pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorders in the context of universal healthcare: a Swedish register study. Addiction, 112 (8) 1386-1394 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore SE, Mulia N, Williams E, Gilbert PA (2017). Job loss and alcohol dependence among blacks and whites in a National Longitudinal Survey. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16 (3) 314-327 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W.K., Tseng, W., Tam, C., John, I., Lui, C. (2017). Ethnic-group socioeconomic status as an indicator of community-level disadvantage: a study of overweight/obesity in Asian American adolescents. Social Science & Medicine, 184 15-22 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Au, V., Frendo, M., Mericle, A.A. (2017). Offsetting the effects of neighborhood disadvantage on problem drinking. Journal of Community Psychology, 45 (5) 678-684 Abstract or Full Text
- Bensley, K.M., Sox-Harris, A., Gupta, S., Jones-Webb, R., Rubinsky, A.D., Glass, J., and Williams, E.C. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in access to and engagement with specialty addictions treatment among patients with alcohol use disorders in the Veterans Health Administration. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 73 27-34 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Li, L., Borges, G., & Zemore, S. E. (2017). Age at immigration and substance use and problems among males and females at the U.S.–Mexico border. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 78 (6) 827-834 Abstract or Full Text
- Williams, E., Mulia, N., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Lui, C. (2017). Changing racial/ethnic disparities in heavy drinking trajectories through young adulthood: a comparative cohort study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42 (1) 135-143 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N. and Jones-Webb, R. (2017). Alcohol policy: A tool for addressing health disparities? In N. Giesbrecht and L. Bosma (eds.), Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems: Evidence and Community-Based Initiatives. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association Press, pp. 377-395 Abstract or Full Text
- Finno-Velasquez, M., Palmer, L., Prindle, J., Tam, C. C., Putnam-Hornstein, E (2017). A birth cohort study of Asian and Pacific Islander children reported for abuse or neglect by maternal nativity and ethnic origin. Child Abuse & Neglect, (72) 54-65 Abstract or Full Text
- Pinedo, M., Zemore, S.E., Cherpitel, C.J., Caetano, R., (2017). Acculturation and alcohol use: the role of environmental contexts. Acculturation and alcohol use: the role of environmental contexts, 239-262 Abstract or Full Text
- Wallisch, L.S., Zemore, S.E., Borges, G., Cherpitel, C.J., Maxwell, J.C., (2017). Prevalence and correlates of arrests or stops for drunk driving on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17 (4) 478-500 Abstract or Full Text
- Orozco, R., Benjet, C., Velasco-Acosta, S.R., Altamirano, L.M., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore, S., Cherpitel, C.J., Borges, G., (2017). Area-level disadvantage and alcohol use disorder in northern Mexico. , 15 219-226 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Ye, Y., Lown, E.A., Cherpitel, C.J., Zemore, S., Borges, G., (2017). Alcohol use patterns and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 41 (4) 769-778 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye Y., Kerr, W.C. (2016). Relationship of usual volume and heavy consumption to risk of alcohol-related injury: racial/ethnic disparities in four U.S. National Alcohol Surveys. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77 (1) 58-67 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L., Trocki, K.F., Salcedo, B., Walker, P.C., Korcha, R.A. (2016). Conducting qualitative interviews by telephone: lessons learned from a study of alcohol use among sexual minority and heterosexual women. Qualitative Social Work, 15 (1) 118-133 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, KJ, Liu, H & Kaplan, LM. (2016). Understanding associations between neighborhood socioeconomic status and negative consequences of drinking: A moderated mediation analysis. Prevention Science, 1-12 Abstract or Full Text
- Jones-Webb, R., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore, S.E., Mulia, N. (2016). Effects of economic disruptions on alcohol use and problems: why do African Americans fare worse?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77 (2) 261-71 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook WK, Winston T, Bautista R, John I. (2016). Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Overweight in Asian American Adolescents. Preventive medicine reports, December; 4 233–237 Abstract or Full Text
- Gilbert, P.A., Zemore, S.E. (2016). Discrimination and drinking: a systematic review of the evidence. Social Science & Medicine, 161 178-194 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, SE, Cherpitel, CJ, Ye, Y, Borgas, G, Li, L, Wallisch, LS. (2016). Factors explaining variation in alcohol use disorder prevalence across border and nonborder communities in Texas. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental , 40 (8) 1707-1716 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, SE, Ye, Y, Mulia, N, Martinez, P, Jones-Webb, R, Karriker-Jaffe, K. (2016). Poor, persecuted, young, and alone: Toward explaining the elevated risk of alcohol problems among Black and Latino men who drink.. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 163 31-39 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T.K., Williams, E., Lown, E.A., Lui, C.K. (2016). Early life health, trauma and social determinants of lifetime abstention from alcohol. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51 (5) 576-83 Abstract or Full Text
- Abrams, L. S., & Tam, C. C. (2016). Gender differences in desistance from crime: How do social bonds operate among formerly incarcerated emerging adults?. Journal of Adolescent Research, 33(1) 34-57 Abstract or Full Text
- Lovato-Hermann, K., Dellor, E., Tam, C. C., Curry, S. R., & Freisthler, B. (2016). Racial disparities in service referrals for families in the child welfare system. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 11(2) 133-149 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, Laurie, Trocki, Karen F., Klinger, Jamie L. (2016). Religiosity as a protective factor for hazardous drinking and drug use among sexual minority and heterosexual women: findings from the National Alcohol Survey. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 161 127-134 Abstract or Full Text
- Conde, K., Cremonte, M., López, M.B., Cherpitel, C.J., (2016). Gender and alcohol use disorders diagnostic criteria in emergency department patients in Argentina. Substance Use Misuse, 51 1629-1636 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel C.J., Ye Y., Bond J. (2016). Brief intervention in the emergency department among Mexican-origin young adults at the US-Mexico border: Outcomes of a randomized controlled clinical trial using Promotores. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51 (2) 154-63 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr W.C., Greenfield T.K. (2015). Racial/ethnic disparities in the self-reported number of drinks in 2 hours before driving becomes impaired. American Journal of Public Health, Jan 20 e1-e6 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook W.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Bond J., Lui C. (2015). Asian American problem drinking trajectories during the transition to adulthood: ethnic drinking cultures and neighborhood contexts. American Journal of Public Health, 105 :1020-1027. Abstract or Full Text
- Lui CK, Chung PJ, Ford CL, Grella CE, & Mulia N. (2015). Drinking behaviors and life course socioeconomic status during the transition from adolescence to adulthood among Whites and Blacks. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76 (1) 68-79 Abstract or Full Text
- Nayak, M.B., Bond, J.C., Ye, Y., Cherpitel, C.J., Woolard, R., Bernstein, E.,Villalobos, S., Ramos, R. (2015). Readiness to change and accept help and drinking outcomes in young adults of Mexican origin. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76 (4) 602-606 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Zemore, S., Bond, J., Borges, G. (2015). The effect of cross-border mobility on alcohol and drug use among Mexican-American residents living at the U.S.-Mexico border. Addictive Behaviors, 50: 28-33 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Liu, H., Johnson, R.M. (2015). Racial/Ethnic Differences in Associations Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status, Distress, and Smoking Among U.S. Adults. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 1-21 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr W.C., Ye Y., Cherpitel C.J. (2015). Racial/ethnic disparities in the risk of injury related to the frequency of heavy drinking occasions. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 50 (5) 573-578 Abstract or Full Text
- Martinez, P., Neupane, S.P., Perlestenbakken, B., Toutoungi, C., Bramness, J.G. (2015). The association between alcohol use and depressive symptoms across socioeconomic status among 40- and 45-year-old Norwegian adults. , 15 1146 Abstract or Full Text
- Witbrodt J., Mulia N. (co-first author), Zemore S.E., Kerr W.C. (2014). Racial/ethnic disparities in alcohol-related problems: differences by gender and level of heavy drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research , 38 (6) 1662-1670 Abstract or Full Text
- Korcha, R. A., Polcin, D. L., Evans, K., Bond, J. C., & Galloway, G. (2014). Intensive Motivational Interviewing for women with concurrent alcohol problems and methamphetamine dependence. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46 (2) 113-9 Abstract or Full Text
- Chartier, K.G., Scott, D.M., Wall, T.L., Covault, J., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Mills, B., Luczak, S.E., Caetano, R. & Arroyo, J.A. (2014). Framing ethnic variations in alcohol outcomes: From biological pathways to neighborhood context. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 338 (3) 611-8 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S.E., Murphy, R.D., Mulia, N., Gilbert, P., Martinez, P., Bond, J., & Polcin, D.L. (2014). A moderating role for gender in racial/ethnic disparities in alcohol services utilization: results from the 2000-2010 National Alcohol Surveys. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (8) 2286-96 Abstract or Full Text
- Gilbert P.A., Perreira K., Eng E, Rhodes S.D. (2014). Social Stressors and Alcohol Use among Immigrant Sexual and Gender Minority Latinos in a Non-Traditional Settlement State. Substance Use & Misuse, 49 (11) 1365-75 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Tam, T.W., & Schmidt, L.A. (2014). Disparities in the use and quality of alcohol treatment services and some proposed solutions. Psychiatric Services, 65 (5) 626-633 Abstract or Full Text
- Lui CK, Chung PJ, Wallace SP, & Aneshensel CS (2014). Social status attainment during the transition to adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43 (7) 1134-1150 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Roberts, S.C.M., & Bond, J. (2013). Understanding the contribution of income inequality to alcohol use patterns and associated problems. American Journal of Public Health, 103 (4) 649-656 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S.E., Mulia, N., Jones-Webb, R.J., & Lui, H. (2013). The 2008-9 recession and alcohol outcomes: Differential exposure and vulnerability for Black and Latino populations. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74 (1) 20-Sep Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr W.C., Karriker-Jaffe, K., Ye, Y. (2013). Examining Alcohol’s Contribution to the U.S. African American/White Cirrhosis Mortality Differential from 1950 to 2002. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agt031 [Epub: 4 April 2013].. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S.E., Karriker-Jaffe, K., & Mulia, N. (2013). Temporal trends and changing racial/ethnic disparities in alcohol problems: Results from the 2000 to 2010 National Alcohol Surveys. Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, 4 160 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Martin, G., Macdonald, M., Brubacher, J.R., Stenstrom, R. (2013). Alcohol and drug use as predictors of intentional injuries in two emergency departments in British Columbia. American Journal on Addictions, 22 87-92 Abstract or Full Text
- Polcin, D. L., Buscemi, R., Nayak, M., Korcha, R., & Galloway, G. (2012). Sex differences in psychiatric symptoms among methamphetamine-dependent residents in sober living houses. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 11 (2) 53-63 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore, S.E., Mulia, N., Jones-Webb, R., Bond, J., & Greenfield, T.K. (2012). Neighborhood disadvantage and adult alcohol outcomes: Differential risk by race and sex. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73 (6) 856-873 Abstract or Full Text
- Polcin, D. L., Korcha, R., Greenfield, T. K., Bond, J., & Kerr, W. (2012). Twenty‐one year trends and correlates of pressure to change drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36 (4) 705-715 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K., Bond, J., Ye, Y. and Rehm, J. (2011). Racial and ethnic differences in all-cause mortality risk according to consumption patterns in the National Alcohol Surveys. American Journal of Epidemiology, 174 (7) 769-778 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Schmidt, L.A., Ye, Y., & Greenfield, T. K. (2011). Preventing disparities in alcohol screening and brief intervention: The need to move beyond primary care.. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (9) 1557-1560 Abstract or Full Text
- Roerecke, M., Greenfield, T.K., Kerr, W.C., Bond, J., Ye, Y., Bondy, S., Cohen J., & Rehm, J. (2011). Heavy drinking occasions in relation to ischaemic heart disease mortality: an 11-22 year follow-up of the 1984 and 1995 US National Alcohol Surveys. International Journal of Epidemiology, 40 1401-1410 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C. & Ye, Y. (2010). Effects of life-course drinking patterns on diabetes, heart problems and hypertension among those 40 and older in the 2005 US National Alcohol Survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 4 515-525. Abstract or Full Text
- Bond, J.C., Roberts, S.C.M., Greenfield, T.K., Korcha, R., Ye, Y. & Nayak, M. (2010). Gender differences in public and private drinking contexts: A multi-level GENACIS analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 2136-2160 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., & Zemore, S. E. (2009). Disparities in alcohol-related problems among white, Black, and Hispanic Americans. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (4) 654-662 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S. E., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Borges, G., & Greenfield, T. K. (2009). Gender, acculturation, and other barriers to alcohol treatment utilization among Latinos in three National Alcohol Surveys. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 36 (4) 446-456 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Zemore, S. E. (2009). Associations between acculturation and drinking outcomes of Latino men in the U.S.. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70 27-31 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K. & Patterson, D. (2009). Differences in the measured alcohol content of drinks between black, white and Hispanic men and women in a US national sample. Addiction, 104 (9) 1503-1511 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K. (2008). Integrating research and action: a systematic review of community-based participatory research to address health disparities in environmental and occupational health in the USA. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62 (8) 668-676 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Zemore, S. E., & Greenfield, T. K. (2008). Social disadvantage, stress, and alcohol use among Black, Hispanic, and white Americans: Findings from the 2005 US national alcohol survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69 (6) 824-33 Abstract or Full Text
- Schmidt, L. A., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., & Bond, J. (2007). Ethnic disparities in clinical severity and services for alcohol problems: results from the National Alcohol Survey. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 31 (1) 48-56 Abstract or Full Text
- Schmidt, L, Greenfield, T. K., Mulia, N. (2006). Unequal treatment: racial and ethnic disparities in alcoholism treatment services. Alcohol Res. Health, 29 (1) 49-54 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K. (2001). Health disparities in alcohol-related disorders, problems, and treatment use by minorities. FrontLines. Linking Alcohol Services Research and Practice, June 3;7