Nina Mulia, DrPH
Senior Scientist and Center Associate Director
Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in alcohol use, problems, and services access and quality, including alcohol screening and brief intervention and specialty treatment; role of social and environmental stressors in heavy drinking and alcohol problems; effects of health care policy on alcohol services utilization by population subgroups; life course changes in drinking patterns; quantitative and qualitative methods.
Current Projects
- Quality of Alcohol-Related Care Received: Missed Opportunities, Disparities and Impacts of Health Reform (Director)
- Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment Simulation: Modeling treatment impacts on alcohol-related disparities (Sub-award PI)
- A Microsimulation of Alcohol Control Interventions to Advance Health Equity and Reverse the Current Decrease in Life Expectancy in the US (Co-Investigator)
- Role of Health Care in Addressing Unhealthy Alcohol Use and Disparities among Aging Women (Co-Investigator)
Completed Projects
- Disrupting Pathways from Early Adversity to Adult Substance Abuse: Identifying Education Resilience Factors in Diverse Groups (Principal Investigator)
- Community College Smokefree Policies: Disparities, Contexts and Strategies (Senior Scientist )
- Differential Effects of Alcohol-related Policy Across U.S. Population Subgroups (A Center Research Component) (Director)
- Factors Responsible for Racial-Gender Disparities in Alcohol Services Use (Co-Investigator)
- Racial Disparities in Access to Appropriate Alcohol Treatment Services (Multiple Principal Investigator)
- Inter-relationships Between Life-course Alcohol Patterns and Health Conditions (Scientist)
- Disadvantage and Sociocultural Modifiers in Asian American Drinking (Co-Investigator)
- Race/ethnicity, Socioeconomic Disadvantage, and Disparities in Alcohol Problems (A Center Research Component) (Co-Director)
- Effects of Disadvantage and Protective Resources on Alcohol-Related Disparities (Multiple Principal Investigator)
- Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Alcohol Outcomes: Moderators and Mediators (Co-Investigator)
- Measuring Confrontation During Recovery (Co-Investigator)
- Race, Stressors, and Alcohol-related Disparities (Principal Investigator)
- Acculturation and Alcohol among U.S. Latinas (Co-Investigator)
- Alcohol Problems & Service Dynamics after Welfare Reform (Associate Scientist)
- Understanding Racial Disparities in Heavy Drinking over the Life Course (Principal Investigator)
- Recovery Definitions and Behavior Change Processes in Recovery Outside of Treatment (Co-Investigator)
- Disaggregating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to identify mechanisms of adolescent suicide risk (Co-Investigator)
Selected Publications
- Mulia, N., Zhu, Y., Phillips, A. Z., Ye, Y., Bensley, K. M. K., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2024). Inequities in alcohol screening of primary care patients with chronic conditions. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 67 (6) 932-940 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Li, L., Williams, E., Guo, Z., Witbrodt, J., Tam, C., & Lui, C. K. (2024). Is childhood adversity before age 5 associated with adolescent and young adult substance use? Findings from a U.S. prospective cohort study. Substance Use & Misuse, 60 (1) 64-73 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., Martinez, P., Patterson, D., Kerr, W. C., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2023). Inequitable access to general and behavioral healthcare in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic: A role for telehealth?. Preventive Medicine, 169, 107426 Abstract or Full Text
- Puka, K., Buckley, C., Mulia, N., Lasserre, A. M., Rehm, J., & Probst, C. (2022). Educational attainment and lifestyle risk factors associated with all-cause mortality in the US. JAMA Health Forum, 3 (4) e220401 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Witbrodt, J., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Li, L., Lui, C. K., & Zapolski, T. (2022). Education matters: Longitudinal pathways to mid-life heavy drinking in a national cohort of Black Americans. Addiction, 117 (8) 2225–2234 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Lui, C. K., Bensley, K., & Subbaraman, M. S. (2022). Effects of Medicaid expansion on alcohol and opioid treatment admissions in US racial/ethnic groups. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1 (231) 109242 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Bensley, K.M. (2020). Alcohol-related disparities among women: Evidence and potential explanations. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40 (2) 09 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Lui, C. K., Ye, Y., Subbaraman, M. S., Kerr, W. C., & Greenfield, T. K. (2019). US alcohol treatment admissions after the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act: Do state parity laws and race/ethnicity make a difference?. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 106, 113-121 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia N., Ye, Y., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore S.E., and Jones-Webb, R. (2018). Protective factors as an explanation for the “paradox” of Black-White differences in heavy drinking. Substance Use and Misuse, 53 (12) 2003-16 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N. and Jones-Webb, R. (2017). Alcohol policy: A tool for addressing health disparities? In N. Giesbrecht and L. Bosma (eds.), Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems: Evidence and Community-Based Initiatives. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association Press, pp. 377-395 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Tam, T.W., Bond, J., Zemore, S.E., Li, L. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in life-course heavy drinking from adolescence to midlife. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17(2) 167-186 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Witbrodt, J., Bond J, Williams, E., Zemore, S.E. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in 30-year trajectories of heavy drinking in a nationally representative U.S. sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 170, 133-141 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia N., Zemore S., Murphy R., Liu H., Catalano R. (2014). Economic loss and alcohol consumption and problems during the 2008-9 US recession. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (4) 1026-1034 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N. & Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2012). Interactive influences of neighborhood and individual socioeconomic status on alcohol consumption and problems. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 47 (2) 178-186 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Schmidt, L.A., Ye, Y., & Greenfield, T. K. (2011). Preventing disparities in alcohol screening and brief intervention: The need to move beyond primary care.. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (9) 1557-1560 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., & Zemore, S. E. (2009). Disparities in alcohol-related problems among white, Black, and Hispanic Americans. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (4) 654-662 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Zemore, S. E., & Greenfield, T. K. (2008). Social disadvantage, stress, and alcohol use among Black, Hispanic, and white Americans: Findings from the 2005 US national alcohol survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69 (6) 824-33 Abstract or Full Text