ARG has long been a leader in survey methodology and alcohol intake measurement. With many of our alcohol consumption measures being used throughout the US and around the world, including estimates of specific beverage types, alcohol content and life-course consumption, we continue to design, conduct and analyze national and regional studies to advance the field of alcohol research. Past investigations have included the assessment of alcohol content in drinks consumed at home and in bars and restaurants, providing information that enabled the development of individual estimations in the National Alcohol Survey (NAS) and produced the only study of calorie content of measured drinks. Our methodological research also extends to include estimates of US per capita alcohol consumption, alcohol tax rates and affordability, and the development of protocols for emergency room assessment of alcohol and injuries.
- Scientists
Current Projects
- Enhancing Effectiveness Research on Recovery Housing for Persons Prescribed Medication for Opioid Use Disorder
- COVID-19 Center Project
- National Alcohol Surveys: Advancing Epidemiologic Analyses of 21st Century Drinking
- National Alcohol Research Center Statistical and Data Services Core (A Center Core Component)
Completed Projects
- Evaluating thoughts and attitudes of Latinos about providing biological samples for alcohol research
- Calibrated Agent Simulations for Combined Analysis of Drinking Etiologies (CASCADE)
- Assessing the Acceptability and Feasibility of Mail-in, Self-Administered Dried Blood Spot Sampling in the National Alcohol Survey (A Center Pilot Study)
- Methodologies for Improving Measurement of Alcohol Use and Problems (A Center Research Component)
- Improving Measures of Alcohol Dependence for General Population Studies (A Center Pilot Study)
- Kiosk-Based Prenatal Screening and Intervention for Nutrition and Drinking (A Center Pilot Study)
- A Multi-Lingual Alcohol Measure Catalog/ Administration Tool – Phase II
- Malt Liquor/Fortified Wine Use and Ethnicity in the U.S.
- Cross-national Analysis of Alcohol and Injury
- Improving Alcohol Consumption Self-report Measurement
- Developing a New Scale of Treatment Readiness
Selected Publications
- Katherine J. Karriker-Jaffe, Laurie A. Drabble, Libo Li, Cat Munroe, Amy A. Mericle, Karen F. Trocki, Tonda L. Hughes (2022). Comparing substance use outcomes by sexual identity among women: Differences using propensity score methods. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 238 109567 Abstract or Full Text
- Esser, M. B., Sherk, A., Subbaraman, M. S., Martinez, P., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Sacks, J. J., & Naimi, T. S. (2022). Improving estimates of alcohol-attributable deaths in the United States: Impact of adjusting for the underreporting of alcohol consumption. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83 (1) 134-144 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Ye, Y., Martinez, P., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Patterson, D., Greenfield, T. K., & Mulia, N.(2022). Longitudinal assessment of drinking changes during the pandemic: The 2021 COVID-19 follow-up study to the 2019 to 2020 National Alcohol Survey. Addictive Behaviors, 128 107247 Abstract or Full Text
- Martinez, P., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Ye, Y., Patterson, D., Greenfield, T. K., Mulia, N., & Kerr, W. C. (2022). Mental health and drinking to cope in the early COVID period: Data from the 2019-2020 US National Alcohol Survey. Addictive Behaviors, 128 107247 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Ye, Y., & Kerr, W. C. (2022). Racial/ethnic and gender differences in risk of injury and life-course drinking patterns: Data from US national alcohol surveys. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 57 (3) 340-346 Abstract or Full Text
- Ye, Y., Cherpitel, C. J., Terza, J. V., & Kerr, W. C. (2021). Quantifying risk of injury from usual alcohol consumption: An instrumental variable analysis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45 (10) 2029-2039 Abstract or Full Text
- Martinez P., Kerr W.C., Subbaraman M., Roberts S.C.M. (2019). New estimates of the mean ethanol content of beer, wine, and spirits sold in the United States show a greater increase in per capita alcohol consumption than previous estimates. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43 509-521 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C., Ye, Y., Subbaraman, M.S., Williams, E., Greenfield, T.K. (2018). Changes in marijuana use across the 2012 Washington state recreational legalization: Is retrospective assessment of use before legalization more accurate?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79 495-502 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., (2016). The importance of methodological meta-analyses and a call to assess current and former drinking patterns: a commentary on Stockwell et al.. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77 (2) 199–200 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L., Trocki, K.F., Salcedo, B., Walker, P.C., Korcha, R.A. (2016). Conducting qualitative interviews by telephone: lessons learned from a study of alcohol use among sexual minority and heterosexual women. Qualitative Social Work, 15 (1) 118-133 Abstract or Full Text
- Nayak, M. B., Bond, J. C., & Greenfield, T. K. (2015). Evaluating shortened versions of the AUDIT as screeners for alcohol use problems in a general population study. Substance Use and Misuse, 50 (12) 1579-1589. Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M.S., Laudet, A.B., Ritter, L.A., Stunz, A., Kaskutas, L.A. (2015). Multi-source recruitment strategies for advancing addiction recovery research beyond treated samples. Journal of Community Psychology, 43 (5: ) 560-575. Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Witbrodt J., Greenfield T.K. (2015). Refining measures of alcohol problems for general population surveys. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39 (2) 363-70 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Bond, J., Kerr, W.C. (2014). Biomonitoring for improving alcohol consumption surveys: the new gold standard?. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 36: 39-45 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield TK, Nayak MB, Bond J, Kerr WC, Ye Y (2014). Test-retest reliability and validity of life-course alcohol consumption measures: the 2005 National Alcohol Survey follow-up. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 38 (9) 2479-87 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y. (2014). Differences in risk of injury in the U.S. general population by injury treatment type: data from the 1995-2010 National Alcohol Surveys. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 1094-1099 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Bond, J., Stockwell, T., Vallance, K., Martin, G., Brubacher, J., MacPherson, A. (2014). Risk of injury from drinking: the difference which study design makes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 235-240 Abstract or Full Text
- Stout R.L., Braciszewski J.M., Subbaraman M.S., Kranzler H.R., O’Malley S.S., Falk D. (2014). What happens when people discontinue taking medications? Lessons from COMBINE. Addiction, 109 (12) 2044-52 Abstract or Full Text
- Bond J.C., Greenfield T.K., Patterson D., Kerr W.C. (2014). Adjustments for drink size and ethanol content: new results from a self-report diary and trans-dermal sensor validation study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (12) 3060-7 Abstract or Full Text
- Ye Y, Bond J, Cherpitel CJ, Borges G, Monteiro M, Vallance K. (2013). Evaluating recall bias in a case-crossover design estimating risk of injury related to alcohol: data from six countries. Drug and Alcohol Review, 32 (5) 512-518 Abstract or Full Text
- Lendle S.D., Subbaraman M.S., van der Laan M.J. (2013). Identification and efficient estimation of the natural direct effect among the untreated. Biometrics, 69 (2) 310-317 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman M.S., Lendle S.D., van der Laan M.J., Kaskutas L.A., Ahern J. (2013). Cravings as a mediator and moderator of drinking outcomes in the COMBINE study. Addiction, Abstract or Full Text
- Midanik, L.T., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T.K., & Kerr, W. (2013). Missed and inconsistent classification of current drinkers: results from the 2005 US National Alcohol Survey. Addiction, 108 (2) 348-55 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Roberts, S.C.M., & Bond, J. (2013). Understanding the contribution of income inequality to alcohol use patterns and associated problems. American Journal of Public Health, 103 (4) 649-656 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C & Stockwell, T. (2012). Understanding standard drinks and drinking guidelines. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31 (2) 200-205 Abstract or Full Text
- Ruhm, C., Jones, A.S., McGeary, K.A, Kerr, W.C., Terza, J.V., Greenfield, T.K., & Pandian, R.S. (2012). What U.S. Data Should be Used to Measure the Price Elasticity of Demand for Alcohol?. Journal of Health Economics, 31 (6) 851-862 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S.E. (2012). The effect of social desirability on reported motivation, substance use severity, and treatment attendance. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 42 (4) 400-412 Abstract or Full Text
- Bond, J., Ye, Y., Cherpitel, C.J., Borges, G., Cremonte, M., Moskalewicz, J., & Swiatkiewicz, G. (2012). Scaling properties of the combined ICD-10 dependence and harms criteria and comparisons with DSM-5 alcohol use cisorder criteria among patients in the emergency department. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73 (2) 328-336 Abstract or Full Text
- Ye, Y. & Kerr, W. C. (2011). Alcohol and liver cirrhosis mortality: comparison of methods for the analyses of time-series panel data models in the US. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 35 (1) 108-115 Abstract or Full Text
- Witbrodt, J. & Romelsjö, A. (2010). Gender differences in mutual-help group attendance 1-year after treatment: Swedish and U.S. samples. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71 125-135 Abstract or Full Text
- Midanik, L T, &Â Greenfield, T. K. (2010). Reports of alcohol-related problems and alcohol dependence for demographic subgroups using interactive voice response (IVR) versus telephone (CATI) surveys: The 2005 U.S. National Alcohol Survey. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29 (4) 392-398 Abstract or Full Text
- Tujague, J, & Kerr, W. C. (2009). Energy intake estimates of respondent-measured alcoholic beverages. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 44 (1) 34-41 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Kerr, W. C., Bond, J., Ye, Y., & Stockwell, T. (2009). Improving graduated frequencies alcohol measures for monitoring consumption patterns: results from US and Australian national surveys and a US diary validity study. Contemporary Drug Problems, 36 (4-Mar) 705-733 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K., Bond, J., Ye, Y., & Rehm, J. (2009). Age-period-cohort modeling of alcohol volume and heavy drinking days in the US National Alcohol Surveys: divergence in younger and older adult trends. Addiction, 104 (1) 27-27 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S.E., & Kaskutas, L.A. (2009). Development and validation of the Alcoholics Anonymous Intention Measure (AAIM). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 104 (3) 204-211 Abstract or Full Text
- Nayak, M.B., Bond, J., Cherpitel, C.J., Patel, V., & Greenfield, T.K. (2009). Detecting alcohol use disorders in developing countries: a comparison of two screening measures in India.. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (12) 2057-2066 Abstract or Full Text
- Polcin, D. L., Galloway, G.P., Bond, J., Korcha, R., & Greenfield, T.K. (2009). Confirmatory factor analysis and test-retest reliability of the Alcohol and Drug Confrontation Scale (ADCS). Journal of Drug Issues, 39 (4) 931-948 Abstract or Full Text
- Ye, Y., Kaskutas, & L.A. (2009). Using propensity scores to adjust for selection bias when assessing the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous in observational studies. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 104 56-64 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Kerr, W. C. (2008). Alcohol measurement methodology in epidemiology: recent advances and opportunities. Addiction, 103 (7) 1082-99 Abstract or Full Text
- Kaskutas, L. A., Kerr, W. C. (2008). Accuracy of photographs to capture respondent-defined drink size. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69 (4) 605-10 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Patterson, D., Koenen, M. A., & Greenfield, T. K. (2008). Alcohol content variation of bar and restaurant drinks in Northern California. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 32 (9) 1623-29 Abstract or Full Text
- Nayak, M. B., Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K., & Pillai, A (2008). Not all drinks are created equal: implications for alcohol assessment in India. Alcohol Alcohol, 43 (6) 713-18 Abstract or Full Text
- Rehm, J., Irving, H., Ye, Y., Kerr, W. C., Bond, J., & Greenfield, T. K. (2008). Are lifetime abstainers the best control group in alcohol epidemiology? On the stability and validity of reported lifetime abstention. American Journal of Epidemiology, 168 (8) 866-71 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., & Greenfield, T. K. (2007). Distribution of alcohol consumption and expenditures and the impact of improved measurement on coverage of alcohol sales in the 2000 National Alcohol Survey. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31 (10) 1714-22 Abstract or Full Text
- Kaskutas, L. A., Ammon, L. N., Oberste, E. A., & Polcin, D. L. (2007). A brief scale for measuring helping activities in recovery: the Brief Helper Therapy Scale. Subst. Use Misuse, 42 (11) 1767-81 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Nayak, M. B., Bond, J., Ye, Y., & Midanik, L. T (2006). Maximum quantity consumed and alcohol-related problems: assessing the most alcohol drunk with two measures. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res., 30 (9) 1576-82 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K., Tujague, J (2006). Estimates of the mean alcohol concentration of the spirits, wine, and beer sold in the U.S. and per capita consumption: 1950-2002. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30 (9) 1583-91 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K., Tujague, J., & Brown, S. (2005). A drink is a drink? Variation in the alcohol content of beer, wine, and spirits drinks in a U.S. methodological sample. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res., 29 (11) 2015-21 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W. C., Fillmore, K.M., & Bostrom, A. (2002). Stability of alcohol consumption over time: evidence from three longitudinal surveys from the United States. J. Stud. Alcohol, 63 325-33 Abstract or Full Text
- Kaskutas, L. A., Graves, K (2001). Pre-pregnancy drinking: How drink size affects risk assessment. Addiction, 96 1199-209 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Midanik, L T, Rogers, J D (2000). Effects of telephone versus face-to-face interview modes on reports of alcohol consumption. Addiction, 95 (2) 227-84 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Rogers, J D (1999). Alcoholic beverage choice, risk perception, and self-reported drunk driving: effects of measurement on risk analysis. Addiction, 94 (11) 1735-43
- Johnson, S., Anglin, L., Kavanagh, L., Greenfield, T. K., & Giesbrecht, N (1999). The impact of internet information resources on research strategies: a case study in alcohol policy analysis. Behavioral and Social Science Librarian, 17 (2) 33-46
- Kaskutas, L. A., Greenfield, T. K., Borkman, T. J., & Room, J. (1998). Measuring treatment philosophy: a scale for substance abuse recovery programs. J. Subst. Abuse Treat., 15 (1) 27-36