ARG policy studies involve evaluations of major alcohol- and drug-related policies utilizing various designs and strategies to include multiple cross-sectional population surveys, longitudinal panels or split panel surveys, quasi-experiments, or time series designs based on archival data such as mortality reports. Our work has looked at the impact of federally mandated warning labels, associations with and trends in alcohol policy opinions, the role of research and other influences in policy making, studies of privatization of spirits marketing, effects of medical marijuana and cannabis legalization, and effects of reforms or changes in treatment systems and other social programs.
- Scientists
- Current Projects
Completed Projects
- Community College Smokefree Policies: Disparities, Contexts and Strategies
- Calibrated Agent Simulations for Combined Analysis of Drinking Etiologies (CASCADE)
- Differential Effects of Alcohol-related Policy Across U.S. Population Subgroups (A Center Research Component)
- Alcohol and Pregnancy: Do State-level Punitive and Supportive Policies Matter?
- Epidemiological Analysis of the National Alcohol Survey (A Center Research Component)
- Alcohol Policy Research and Alcoholic Beverage Control Systems: Annotated Bibliography & Review
- Alcohol’s Harms to Others among US Adults: Individual and Contextual Effects
- Economic Contraction and Alcohol-related Suicides: A Multi-level Analysis
- Effects of Spirits Privatization on Alcohol Prices and Alcohol-Related Harms
- Quality Substitution Among Heavy and AUD Drinkers and Alcohol Tax Policy
- Impact of Alcoholic Beverage Warning Labels
- Cross-national Analysis of Alcohol and Injury
Selected Publications
- Greenfield, T. K., Tam, C. C., & Kerr, W. C. (2024). Secondhand harms from cannabis use: Findings from Washington State, United States. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85 (6) 777–787 Abstract or Full Text
- Zhu, Y., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., & Kerr, W. C. (2024). Associations between simultaneous use of alcohol and cannabis and cannabis-related problems in 2014-2016: Evidence from the Washington panel survey. Journal of Cannabis Research, 6 (1) 8 Abstract or Full Text
- Zhu, Y., Trangenstein, P. J., & Kerr, W. C. (2024). Does cannabis substitute or complement alcohol after recreational cannabis legalization in the Washington State? A three-level mixed-effects modeling. Addictive Behaviors, 162 108218 Abstract or Full Text
- Zhu, Y., Greenfield, T. K., Ye, Y., Williams, E., & Kerr, W. C. (2023). Life-course accumulated cannabis use and recent cannabis-related problems in the Washington panel survey. Addictive Behaviors, 152 107957 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Greenfield, T. K., & Kerr, W. C. (2023). Characteristics associated with buying alcohol to-go and for delivery during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic among a national sample of US adults. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42 (5) 1252–1263 Abstract or Full Text
- Rossheim, M. E., LoParco, C. R., Henry, D., Trangenstein, P. J., & Walters, S. T. (2023). Delta-8, Delta-10, HHC, THC-O, THCP, and THCV: What should we call these products?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84 (3) 357–360 Abstract or Full Text
- Grummon, A.H., Ruggles, P.R., Greenfield, T.K., & Hall, M.G.,
- Lui, C. K., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Patterson, D., & Trieu, S. L. (2022). School and community factors associated with the adoption of 100% smoke-free policy by California community colleges, 2003-2019. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36 (5) 869-875 Abstract or Full Text
- Moreno, M. A., Jenkins, M., Binger, K., Kelly, L., Trangenstein, P. J., Whitehill, J. M., & Jernigan, D. H. (2022). A content analysis of cannabis company adherence to marketing requirements in four states. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83 (1) 27-36 Abstract or Full Text
- William C. Kerr, Yu Ye (2022). Characteristics of the Washington cannabis market from 2014 to 2016. Journal of Cannabis Research, 4 (1) 35 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Ye, Y., & Kerr, W. C (2022). Association of short-term changes in drinking after onset of a serious health condition and long-term heavy drinking. American Journal of Epidemiology, 241 109691 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Henriksen, L., Smith, E. A., McDaniel, P. A., Malone, R. E., & Kerr, W. C. (2022). Relapse to problem drinking or trading up to spirits? Using U.S. national cross-sectional survey data to highlight possible negative impacts of potential tobacco retail changes. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 17 (1) Abstract or Full Text
- Rossheim, M. E., LoParco, C. R., Walker, A., Livingston, M. D., Trangenstein, P. J., Olsson, S., McDonald, K. K., Yockey, R. A., Luningham, J. M., Kong, A. Y., Henry, D., Walters, S. T., Thombs, D. L., & Jernigan, D. H. (2022). Delta-8 THC retail availability, price, and minimum purchase age. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, Online ahead of print. Abstract or Full Text
- Trieu, S. L., Shenoy, D., Lui, C. K., & Hayes, C. (2022). Increasing reproductive health services through Family PACT participation among California community college student health centers. Journal of American College Health, Online ahead of print Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L. A., Mericle, A. A., Wootton, A. R., Munroe, C., Li, L., Trocki, K. F., & Hughes, T. (2021). Measuring the impact of legal recognition of same-sex marriage among sexual minority women. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 17 (4) 371-392 Abstract or Full Text
- Milam, A. J., Furr-Holden, C., Nesoff, E. D., & Trangenstein, P. J. (2021). Evaluation of a local ordinance to prevent any underage purchases in liquor stores: The need for enforcement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82 (2) 219-227 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Peddireddy, S. R., Cook, W. K., Rossheim, M. E., Monteiro, M. G., & Jernigan, D. H. (2021). Alcohol policy scores and alcohol-attributable homicide rates in 150 countries. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61 (3) 311-319 Abstract or Full Text
- Jacobs, L.A., Panichelli, M. (2021). From criminalized patients to risk-exposed agents: Reconceptualizing carceral involvement among individuals with psychiatric diagnoses. Deviant Behavior, 41 (12) 1540-1558 Abstract or Full Text
- Jacobs, L.A., Gottlieb, A., (2021). The effect of housing circumstances on recidivism: evidence from a sample of people on probation in San Francisco. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47 (9) 1097-1115 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Li, L., Greenfield, T. K., Patterson, D., Naimi, T., Xuan, Z., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). State alcohol policies, binge drinking prevalence, socioeconomic environments and alcohol’s harms to others: a mediation analysis. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56 (3) 360-367 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Cook, W.K., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Li, L., Room, R. (2021). Are countries’ drink-driving policies associated with harms involving another driver’s impairment?. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45 (2) 429-435 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P.J., Peddireddy, S., Cook, W., Rossheim, M.E., Monteiro, M. & Jernigan, D.H. (2021). Alcohol policy scores and alcohol-attributable homicide in a sample of 150 WHO member states. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M. S., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Greenfield, T. K., & Kerr, W. C. (2021). Alcohol policy effects on 100% chronic alcohol-attributable mortality across racial/ethnic subgroups. Preventive Medicine , 145 (3) Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Greenfield, T. K., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Interested constituents: identifying groups to mobilize in community organizing efforts to strengthen alcohol control policies. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1-9 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M. S., Mulia, N., Kerr, W. C., Patterson, D., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., & Greenfield, T. K. (2020). Relationships between US state alcohol policies and alcohol outcomes: differences by gender and race/ethnicity. Addiction, 115 (7) 1285-1294 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W.K., Li, L., Greenfield, T.K., Patterson, D., Naimi, T., Xuan, Z., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., (2020). State alcohol policies, binge drinking prevalence, socioeconomic environments and alcohol’s harms to others: a mediation analysis. Alcohol and Alcohol , 73 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P.J., Subbaraman, M.S., Greenfield, T.K., Mulia, N., Kerr, W.C., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2020). Association between state-level alcohol availability and taxation policies on the prevalence of alcohol-related harms to persons other than the drinker in the USA, 2000-2015. Drug and Alcohol Review, 39 (3) 255-266 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P.J., Mulia, N., Lui C.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Greenfield T.K., Jones-Webb R.(2020). Support for alcohol policies in marginalized populations. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56 (4) 500–509 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Lui, C. K., Ye, Y., Subbaraman, M. S., Kerr, W. C., & Greenfield, T. K. (2019). US alcohol treatment admissions after the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act: Do state parity laws and race/ethnicity make a difference?. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 106, 113-121 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Dauria, E. F., Cook, M. C., Ti, A., Comfort, M., & Tolou-Shams, M. (2019). Justice involvement and girls’ sexual health: Directions for policy and practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 98 278-283 Abstract or Full Text
- Roberts SCM, Berglas NF, Subbaraman MS, Mericle A, Thomas S, Kerr WC (2019). Racial differences in the relationship between alcohol/pregnancy policies and birth outcomes and prenatal care utilization: A legal epidemiology study.. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 201 244-252 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M.S., Roberts, S.C.M (2019). Costs associated with policies regarding alcohol use during pregnancy: Results from 1972-2015 Vital Statistics. PLOS One, 4 (5) Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P., Wall, P., Jernigan, D., (2019). Collateral damage from college drinking: A conceptual framework for alcohol’s harms to others among US college students.. Substance Use Misuse, 54 (8) 1297-1308 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C., Williams, E., Ye, Y., Subbaraman, M.S., Greenfield, T.K., (2019). Reply to: Effects of a comprehensive pro-alcohol policy in Washington State. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54 120-121 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman M.S., Thomas S., Treffers R., Delucchi K., Kerr W.C., Martinez P., Roberts S.C.M. (2018). Associations between state‐level policies regarding alcohol use among pregnant women, adverse birth outcomes, and prenatal care utilization. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Abstract or Full Text
- Korcha, R.A., Witbrodt, J., Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Andreuccetti, G., Kang, J., & Monteiro, M. (2018). Development of the International Alcohol Policy and Injury Index. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42 (6) Abstract or Full Text
- Korcha, R.A., Cherpitel, C.J., Bond, J.C., Ye, Y., Monteiro, M., Borges, G., Cook, W.K (2018). Drinking context and cause of injury: emergency department studies from 22 countries. Journal of Substance Use, 23 (3) 240-246 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Witbrodt, J., Ye, Y., & Korcha, R. (2018). A multi-level analysis of emergency department data on drinking patterns, alcohol policy and cause of injury in 28 countries. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 192 172-178 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C., Williams, E., Subbaraman, M.S., Greenfield, T.K. (2018). Survey estimates of changes in alcohol use patterns following the 2012 privatization of the Washington liquor monopoly. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53 470-476 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Room, R., Giesbrecht, N., Greenfield, T.K (2018). Alcohol’s harm to others: Opportunities and challenges in a public health framework. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79 (2) 239-243 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, Meenakshi S., Thomas, Sue, Treffers, Ryan, Delucchi, Kevin, Kerr, William C., Martinez, Priscilla. Roberts, Sarah C. M. (2018). Associations between state-level policies regarding alcohol use among pregnant women, adverse birth outcomes, and prenatal care utilization: results from 1972-2013 Vital Statistics.. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42 (8) 1511-1517 Abstract or Full Text
- Freisthler, B., Gaidus, A., Tam, C., Ponicki, W. R., & Gruenewald, P. J. (2017). From medical to recreational marijuana sales: Marijuana outlets and crime in an era of changing marijuana legislation. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 38(3) 246-263 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Martinez, P., (2017). Alcohol as a risk factor for chronic disease: raising awareness and policy options. Preventing Alcohol-Related Problems: Evidence and Community-Based Initiatives, 33-50 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M.S., Metrik, J., Patterson, D., Swift, R. (2017). Cannabis use during treatment for alcohol use disorders predicts alcohol treatment outcomes. Addiction , Abstract or Full Text
- Ye, Y., Kerr, W.C. (2016). Estimated increase in cross-border purchases by Washington residents following liquor privatization and implications for alcohol consumption trends. Addiction, 111 (11) 1948-1953 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaramann, M.S., Kerr, W.C. (2016). Marijuana policy opinions in Washington state since legalization: would voters vote the same way?. Contemporary Drug Problems, Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman MS, Kerr WC. (2016). Opinions on the privatization of liquor sales in Washington State: Did voters change their minds. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77 (4) 568-76 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C, Williams, E., Greenfield, T.K. (2015). Analysis of price changes in Washington following the 2012 liquor privatization. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 50 (6) 654-660. Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield T.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Giesbrecht N., Kerr W.C., Ye Y., Bond J. (2014). Second-hand drinking may increase support for alcohol policies: new results from the 2010 National Alcohol Survey. Drug & Alcohol Review, 33 (3) 259-267 Abstract or Full Text
- Gilbert P.A., Perreira K., Eng E, Rhodes S.D. (2014). Social Stressors and Alcohol Use among Immigrant Sexual and Gender Minority Latinos in a Non-Traditional Settlement State. Substance Use & Misuse, 49 (11) 1365-75 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Tam, T.W., & Schmidt, L.A. (2014). Disparities in the use and quality of alcohol treatment services and some proposed solutions. Psychiatric Services, 65 (5) 626-633 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia N., Zemore S., Murphy R., Liu H., Catalano R. (2014). Economic loss and alcohol consumption and problems during the 2008-9 US recession. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (4) 1026-1034 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W.K., Bond, J., & Greenfield, T. (2014). Are Alcohol Policies Associated with Alcohol Consumption in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?. Addiction, 109 (7) 1081-1090 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Martin, G., Macdonald, M., Brubacher, J.R., Stenstrom, R. (2013). Alcohol and drug use as predictors of intentional injuries in two emergency departments in British Columbia. American Journal on Addictions, 22 87-92 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr W.C., Greenfield T.K. with Patterson D., Reiman A., and Bohling J. (2013). Alcohol Policy Research and Alcoholic Beverage Control Systems: Annotated bibliography and review, 3rd edition. Alexandria, VA: National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA), 205
- Subbaraman, M.S. & Kerr, W. C. (2013). State panel estimates of the effects of the minimum legal drinking age on alcohol consumption, 1950-2002. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37 (Supplement 1) E291-296 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S.E., Mulia, N., Jones-Webb, R.J., & Lui, H. (2013). The 2008-9 recession and alcohol outcomes: Differential exposure and vulnerability for Black and Latino populations. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74 (1) 20-Sep Abstract or Full Text
- Polcin, D. L., Korcha, R., Greenfield, T. K., Bond, J., & Kerr, W. (2012). Twenty‐one year trends and correlates of pressure to change drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36 (4) 705-715 Abstract or Full Text
- Ruhm, C., Jones, A.S., McGeary, K.A, Kerr, W.C., Terza, J.V., Greenfield, T.K., & Pandian, R.S. (2012). What U.S. Data Should be Used to Measure the Price Elasticity of Demand for Alcohol?. Journal of Health Economics, 31 (6) 851-862 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J. & Ye, Y. (2012). Multi-level analysis of alcohol-related injury and drinking pattern: emergency department data from 19 countries. Addiction, 107 1263-1272 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Schmidt, L.A., Ye, Y., & Greenfield, T. K. (2011). Preventing disparities in alcohol screening and brief intervention: The need to move beyond primary care.. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (9) 1557-1560 Abstract or Full Text
- Witbrodt, J. & Romelsjö, A. (2010). Gender differences in mutual-help group attendance 1-year after treatment: Swedish and U.S. samples. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71 125-135 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., & Cherpitel, C. J. (2009). Alcohol policy and public health implications in the U.S. context. In Alcohol and Injuries. Emergency Department studies in an international perspective,eds Cherpitel C.J., Borges G., Giesbrecht N., Hungerford D., Peden M., Poznyak V., Room R., Stockwell T., 261-269. Geneva: World Health Organization,
- Rehm, J., & Greenfield, T. K. (2008). Public alcohol policy: current directions and new opportunities. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 83 (4) 640-43 Abstract or Full Text
- Kaskutas, L. A., Zavala, S. K., Parthasarathy, S., & Witbrodt, J. (2008). Costs of day hospital and community residential chemical dependency treatment. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 11 27-32 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Ye, Y., Giesbrecht, N A (2007). Views of alcohol control policies in the 2000 National Alcohol Survey: what news for alcohol policy development in the U.S. and its states?. Journal of Substance Use, 12 (6) 429-45
- Greenfield, T. K., Ye, Y., Giesbrecht, N (2007). Alcohol policy opinions in the U.S. over a 15-year period of dynamic per capita consumption changes: implications for today’s public health practice. Contemporary Drug Problems, 34 (4) 649-680
- Kaskutas, L. A. (2004). Division in the ranks: an analysis of alliances and dissension in the alcohol industry and advocacy communities. Contemp. Drug Prob., 31 (4) 655-72
- Johnson, S. P., Greenfield, T. K., Giesbrecht, N., Kaskutas, L. A., & Anglin, L. (2004). The role of research in the development of U.S. federal alcohol control policy. Contemp. Drug Prob., 31 (4) 737-58
- Greenfield, T. K., Giesbrecht, N. A., Kaskutas, L. A., Johnson, S., Kavanagh, L., & Anglin, L. (2004). A study of the alcohol policy development process in the United States: theory, goals, and methods. Contemp. Drug Prob., 31 (4) 591-626
- Greenfield, T. K., Johnson, S P, Giesbrecht, N A (2004). The alcohol policy development process: policy makers speak. Contemp. Drug Prob., 31 (4) 627-54
- Giesbrecht, N A, Greenfield, T. K. (2003). Preventing alcohol-related problems in the US through policy: media campaigns, regulatory approaches and environmental interventions. J. Primary Prev., 24 (1) 63-104
- Kaskutas, L. A., Schmidt, L., Weisner, C., & Greenfield, T. K. (2000). Methods for evaluating policy changes in alcohol services. Addiction, 95 S329-S45 Abstract or Full Text
- Kaskutas, L. A., Keller, J W, Witbrodt, J (1999). Measuring social model in California: how much has changed?. Contemp. Drug Prob., 26 (winter) 607-31
- Greenfield, T. K., Rogers, J D (1999). Who drinks most of the alcohol in the U.S.? The policy implications. J. Stud. Alcohol, 60 (1) 78-89 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T. K., Graves, K L, Kaskutas, L. A. (1999). Long-term effects of alcohol warning labels: findings from a comparison of the United States and Ontario, Canada. Psychology and Marketing, 16 (3) 261-82
- Kaskutas, L. A. (1995). Interpretations of risk: the use of scientific information in the development of the alcohol warning label policy. Int. J. Addict., 30 (12) 1519-48
- Jones-Webb, R J, Greenfield, T. K., Graves, K (1993). The relationship between ethnicity, social class, alcohol use, and public opinion regarding alcohol control policies. Contemp. Drug Prob., 20 (4) 719-38
- Greenfield, T. K., Jones, R (1993). Local community characteristics and prevention strategies: The likelihood of taking action on community problems with alcohol and other drugs. Experiences with community action projects: New research on the prevention of alcohol and other drug problems, 227-36