ARG’s research on the environment and the individual drinker involves a number of contextual influences on a person’s drinking behavior and related problems. These influences are at all levels, from context of drinking, social situations surrounding the individual such as partners, social networks, and norms supporting more or less drinking, and harms from heavy drinkers (whether from strangers, acquaintances or family members), to neighborhood and community conditions such as neighborhood disadvantage and alcohol outlet density, to policies and regulations at all levels from local and state to federal alcohol and drug-related policies.
- Scientists
- Current Projects
Completed Projects
- Impacts of Recreational Marijuana Legalization and Retail Outlets in Washington
- Identifying Modifiable Influences on Alcohol Problems in High-Risk Neighborhoods
- Hotspots: Understanding Areas of Concentrated Alcohol and Drug Problems at the US-Mexico Border (A Center Research Component)
- Social, Developmental and Genetic Epidemiology of Alcohol Use Disorders
- Race/ethnicity, Socioeconomic Disadvantage, and Disparities in Alcohol Problems (A Center Research Component)
- Alcohol’s Harms to Others among US Adults: Individual and Contextual Effects
- Identifying Modifiable Influences on Alcohol Problems in High-Risk Neighborhoods
- Effects of Disadvantage and Protective Resources on Alcohol-Related Disparities
- Reducing Offenders HIV Risk: MI Enhanced Case Management with Drug-Free Housing
- Epidemiology of Drinking and Disorders in Border vs. Non-Border Contexts
- Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Alcohol Outcomes: Moderators and Mediators
Selected Publications
- Tam, C. C., Li, L., Kosai, S., Duhart Clarke, S. E., Ehlers, C. L., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2024). Protective effects of ethnic enclaves: Testing pathways to alcohol use and use disorders in Mexican American young adults. American Journal of Community Psychology, Abstract or Full Text
- Lui, C. K., Trieu, S. L., Gomes, A. M., Moose, K., Dao, L., Tehrani, S. H., Tong, E. K., & Mulia, N. (2024). Navigating threats of wildfires and individual rights to adopt 100% tobacco-free policy in rural California community colleges. , 49 (6) 1017-1025 Abstract or Full Text
- Zhu, Y., Greenfield, T. K., Ye, Y., Williams, E., & Kerr, W. C. (2023). Life-course accumulated cannabis use and recent cannabis-related problems in the Washington panel survey. Addictive Behaviors, 152 107957 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Greenfield, T. K., & Kerr, W. C. (2023). Characteristics associated with buying alcohol to-go and for delivery during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic among a national sample of US adults. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42 (5) 1252–1263 Abstract or Full Text
- Sadler, R. C., Wojciechowski, T. W., Trangenstein, P., Harris, A., Buchalski, Z., & Furr-Holden, D. (2023). Linking historical discriminatory housing patterns to the contemporary alcohol environment. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 16 (2) 561-581 Abstract or Full Text
- Bensley, K. M. K., Kerr, W. C., Barnett, S. B., & Mulia, N. (2022). Postmortem screening of opioids, benzodiazepines, and alcohol among rural and urban suicide decedents. The Journal of Rural Health, 38 (1) 77-86 Abstract or Full Text
- Lui, C. K., Mulia, N., Ye, Y., Patterson, D., & Trieu, S. L. (2022). School and community factors associated with the adoption of 100% smoke-free policy by California community colleges, 2003-2019. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36 (5) 869–875 Abstract or Full Text
- Sarah E. Zemore, Libo Li, Kara Bensley, Katherine J. Karriker-Jaffe, Cheryl Cherpitel (2022). Alcohol- and drug-related mortality among adults within and outside the U.S.-Mexico border region. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83 (2) 175-184 Abstract or Full Text
- Drabble, L. A., Munroe, C., Mericle, A. A., Zollweg, S., Trocki, K. F., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2022). Corrigendum to ‘Impact of the policy environment on substance use among sexual minority women’. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 4 100080
- Trangenstein, P. J., Tiongson, P. J. D., Lu, Y., Lipson, S. K., Xuan, Z., Naimi, T. S., & Jernigan, D. H. (2022). Gender and sexual identity and harms from others’ drinking among US college students: Results from a multi-campus survey. Journal of American College Health, Online ahead of print. Abstract or Full Text
- Trieu, S. L., Shenoy, D., Lui, C. K., & Hayes, C. (2022). Increasing reproductive health services through Family PACT participation among California community college student health centers. Journal of American College Health, Online ahead of print Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Chartier, K. G., Bares, C. B., Kendler, K. S., & Greenfield, T. K. (2021). Intersection of familial risk and environmental social control on high-risk drinking and alcohol dependence in a US national sample of adults. Addictive Behaviors, 113 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Cook, W.K., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Li, L., Room, R. (2021). Are countries’ drink-driving policies associated with harms involving another driver’s impairment?. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45 (2) 429-435 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., & Greenfield, T. K. (2021). Drinking and neighborhood contexts of alcohol’s harms from others. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C. C., Lui, C. K., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Intersections of neighborhood co-ethnic density and nativity status on heavy drinking in a general population sample of US Latinos and Asians. Alcohol and Alcoholism , 56 (1) 74-81 Abstract or Full Text
- Subbaraman, M. S., & Kerr, W. C. (2021). Cannabis use frequency, route of administration, and co-use with alcohol among older adults in Washington State. Journal of Cannabis Research, 3 (1) Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Greenfield, T. K., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Interested constituents: identifying groups to mobilize in community organizing efforts to strengthen alcohol control policies. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1-9 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Witbrodt, J., Ye, Y., Monteiro, M. G., Málaga, H., Báez, J., & Valdés, M. (2021). Road traffic injuries and substance use among emergency department patients in the Dominican Republic and Peru. Pan American Journal of Public Health (Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública), 45 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Drabble, L., Trocki, K. F., Hughes, T. L., & Greenfield, T. K. (2021). Harm from others’ drinking among sexual minority adults in the United States., 8 (1) 50-59 Abstract or Full Text
- Bensley, K., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Cherpitel, C., Li, L., Wallisch, L. S., & Zemore, S. E. (2021). Limited treatment accessibility: Implications for alcohol treatment disparities among Mexican Americans living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. , 121 Abstract or Full Text
- Jacobs, L.A., Skeem, J.L. (2021). Neighborhood risk Factors for recidivism: For whom do they matter?. American Journal of Community Psychology, 67 1-2 Abstract or Full Text
- Cobb, C. L., Schwartz, S. J., Salas-Wright, C. P., Pinedo, M., Martinez, P., Meca, A., Isaza, A. G., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., McClure, H., Marsiglia, F. F., Martínez, C. R., & Cano, M. Á. (2021). Alcohol use severity, depressive symptoms, and optimism among Hispanics: Examining the immigrant paradox in a serial mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 76 (12) 2329-2344 Abstract or Full Text
- Milam, A. J., Furr-Holden, C., Nesoff, E. D., & Trangenstein, P. J. (2021). Evaluation of a local ordinance to prevent any underage purchases in liquor stores: The need for enforcement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82 (2) 219-227 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Greenfield, T.K. (2021). Drinking and neighborhood contexts of alcohol’s harms from others. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 56 (6) 695-701 Abstract or Full Text
- Jacobs, L.A., Gottlieb, A., (2021). The effect of housing circumstances on recidivism: evidence from a sample of people on probation in San Francisco. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47 (9) 1097-1115 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Tam, C. C., Cook, W. K., Greenfield, T. K., & Roberts, S. (2020). Gender equality, drinking cultures and second-hand harms from alcohol in the 50 US states. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23) Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C. (2020). Ethnic enclaves and ethnoburbs: Are there differences in associations with juvenile offense type among Asian Americans?. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Li, L., & Zemore, S. E. (2020). Neighborhood context and drug use among Mexican Americans on and off the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81 (6) 770-779 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Kerr, W. C., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Li, L., Lui, C. K., & Greenfield, T. K. (2020). Racial/ethnic variations in clustered risk behaviors in the U.S. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58 (1) e21-e29 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, S. E., Lui, C., & Mulia, N. (2020). The downward spiral: Socioeconomic causes and consequences of alcohol dependence among men in late young adulthood, and relations to racial/ethnic disparities. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44 (3) 669-678 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P.J., Subbaraman, M.S., Greenfield, T.K., Mulia, N., Kerr, W.C., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2020). Association between state-level alcohol availability and taxation policies on the prevalence of alcohol-related harms to persons other than the drinker in the USA, 2000-2015. Drug and Alcohol Review, 39 (3) 255-266 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W.K., Li, L., Greenfield, T.K., Patterson, D., Naimi, T., Xuan, Z., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., (2020). State alcohol policies, binge drinking prevalence, socioeconomic environments and alcohol’s harms to others: a mediation analysis. Alcohol and Alcohol , 73 Abstract or Full Text
- Whitehill, J. M., Trangenstein, P. J., Jenkins, M. C., Jernigan, D. H., & Moreno, M. A. (2020). Exposure to cannabis marketing in social and traditional media and past-year use among adolescents in states with legal retail cannabis. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 66 (2) 247-254 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., & Tseng, W. (2019). Associations of Asian ethnicity and parental education with overweight in Asian American children and adolescents: An analysis of 2011-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23 (4) 504-511 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel CJ, Ye Y, Monteiro MG. (2019). Dose-response relative risk of injury from acute alcohol consumption in 22 countries: Are women at higher risk than men?. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54 (4) 396-401 Abstract or Full Text
- Rossheim, M.E., Thombs, D.L., Treffers, R.D., Trangenstein, P.J., Siklo, S.S., Ahmad, R., McDonald, K.K., Gonzalez-Pons, K.M., Suzuki, S., Jernigan, D.H., (2019). Price of Four Loko in large U.S. cities, 2018. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research , 8 Abstract or Full Text
- Ehlers CL, Phillips E, Kim C, Wills DN, Karriker-Jaffe KJ, Gilder DA. (2019). CR-19-0950: Event-related responses to alcohol-related stimuli in Mexican-American young adults: Relation to age, gender, comorbidity and “dark side” symptoms.. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 202 76-86 Abstract or Full Text
- Martinez, P., Zemore, S. E., Pinedo, M., Borges, G., Orozco, R., & Cherpitel, C. (2019). Understanding differences in prescription drug misuse between two Texas border communities. Ethnicity & Health, 1-17 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C. (2019). Beyond the immigrant enclave: Differentiating between coethnic neighborhoods for the study of health and social problems. GeoJournal , 84 (4) 983-999 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Tam, C.C., Cook, W.K., Greenfield, T., Roberts, S.C.M. (2019). Gender equality, drinking cultures and second-hand harms from alcohol in the 50 US states. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23) 4619 Abstract or Full Text
- Borges, G., Lown, E.A., Orozco, R., Cherpitel, C.J., (2019). The relationship between social inequalities, substance use and violence in border and non-border cities of northern Mexico. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 200 1-5 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Monteiro, M. (2018). Risk of violence-related injury from alcohol consumption and burden to society in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42 (7) Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Lönn, S.L., Cook, W.K., Kendler, K.S., Sundquist, K (2018). Chains of risk for alcohol use disorder: Mediators of exposure to neighborhood deprivation in early and middle childhood. Health and Place, 50 16-26 Abstract or Full Text
- Amy A. Mericle, Lee A. Kaskutas, Doug L. Polcin, and Katherine J. Karriker-Jaffe (2018). Independent and interactive effects of neighborhood disadvantage and social network characteristics on problem drinking after treatment. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 37 (1) 1-21 Abstract or Full Text
- Tedor, M.F., Quinn, L.M., Wilsnack, S.C., Wilsnack, R.W., Greenfield, T.K., (2018). Gender and country differences in alcohol-aggression expectancy and alcohol-related intimate partner violence. Deviant Behavior, 39 (5) 554-575 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Monteiro, M., (2018). Risk of violence-related injury from alcohol consumption and its burden to society in Latin American and the Caribbean. PAHO Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42 (7)
- Ramos, R., Cherpitel, C.J., Alvarez, J., Beltran, O., Woolard, R., Villalobos, S., Bernstein, J., Bernstein, E., (2018). Preparing Mexican-origin community health advocates. Pedagogy in Health Promotion , 4 247-253 Abstract or Full Text
- Tam, C.C., (2018). Beyond the immigrant enclave: Differentiating between coethnic neighborhoods for the study of health and social problems. GeoJournal , Abstract or Full Text
- Pinedo, M., Zemore, S., Rogers, S., (2018). Understanding barriers to specialty substance abuse treatment among Latinos. , 94 1-8 Abstract or Full Text
- Wallisch, L. & Zemore, S.E., Borges, G., Cherpitel, C.J., & Maxwell, J.C. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of arrests or stops for drunk driving on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17 478-500 Abstract or Full Text
- Lown, E.A., Cherpitel, C.J., Zemore, S.E., Borges, G., Greenfield, T.K., (2017). Hazardous drinking and exposure to interpersonal. , 39 528-545 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Ye, Y., Lown, E.A., Cherpitel, C.J., Zemore, S., Borges, G. (2017). Alcohol use patterns and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder on both sides of the US-Mexico border. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 41 (4) 769-778 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Au, V., Frendo, M., Mericle, A.A. (2017). Offsetting the effects of neighborhood disadvantage on problem drinking. Journal of Community Psychology, 45 (5) 678-684 Abstract or Full Text
- Pinedo, M., Zemore, S.E., Cherpitel, C.J., Caetano, R., (2017). Acculturation and alcohol use: the role of environmental contexts. Acculturation and alcohol use: the role of environmental contexts, 239-262 Abstract or Full Text
- (2017). Economic recession, alcohol, and suicide rates: comparative effects of poverty, foreclosure, and job loss. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52 469-475 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Ye, Y., Lown, E.A., Cherpitel, C.J., Zemore, S., Borges, G., (2017). Alcohol use patterns and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 41 (4) 769-778 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., (2016). Alcohol and drug use at the U.S.-Mexico border – Does cross-border mobility make a difference?. Drug Abuse Journals, 2 (1) 13 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel C.J., Ye Y., Bond J. (2016). Brief intervention in the emergency department among Mexican-origin young adults at the US-Mexico border: Outcomes of a randomized controlled clinical trial using Promotores. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51 (2) 154-63 Abstract or Full Text
- Zemore, SE, Cherpitel, CJ, Ye, Y, Borgas, G, Li, L, Wallisch, LS. (2016). Factors explaining variation in alcohol use disorder prevalence across border and nonborder communities in Texas. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental , 40 (8) 1707-1716 Abstract or Full Text
- Jones-Webb, R., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore, S.E., Mulia, N. (2016). Effects of economic disruptions on alcohol use and problems: why do African Americans fare worse?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77 (2) 261-71 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, KJ, Liu, H & Kaplan, LM. (2016). Understanding associations between neighborhood socioeconomic status and negative consequences of drinking: A moderated mediation analysis. Prevention Science, 1-12 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook W.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Bond J., Lui C. (2015). Asian American problem drinking trajectories during the transition to adulthood: ethnic drinking cultures and neighborhood contexts. American Journal of Public Health, 105 :1020-1027. Abstract or Full Text
- Borges G., Zamora B., Garcia J., Orozco R., Cherpitel C.J., Zemore S., Breslau J. (2015). Symptoms of anxiety on both sides of the US-Mexico border: the role of immigration. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 61 46-51 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Zemore, S., Bond, J., Borges, G. (2015). The effect of cross-border mobility on alcohol and drug use among Mexican-American residents living at the U.S.-Mexico border. Addictive Behaviors, 50: 28-33 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel C.J., Ye Y., Bond J., Zemore S.E., Borges G., Greenfield T.K. (2015). Border effects on DSM-5 alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Jan. 19 Abstract or Full Text
- Polcin D.L., Mericle A., Howell J., Sheridan D., Christensen J. (2014). Maximizing social model principles in residential recovery settings. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 46 (5) 436-43 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. & Greenfield, T.K. (2014). Gender differences in alcohol’s harms to others in disadvantaged U.S. neighborhoods. Drug & Alcohol Review, 33 (3) 296-303 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield T.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Giesbrecht N., Kerr W.C., Ye Y., Bond J. (2014). Second-hand drinking may increase support for alcohol policies: new results from the 2010 National Alcohol Survey. Drug & Alcohol Review, 33 (3) 259-267 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia N., Zemore S., Murphy R., Liu H., Catalano R. (2014). Economic loss and alcohol consumption and problems during the 2008-9 US recession. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (4) 1026-1034 Abstract or Full Text
- Gilbert P.A., Perreira K., Eng E, Rhodes S.D. (2014). Social Stressors and Alcohol Use among Immigrant Sexual and Gender Minority Latinos in a Non-Traditional Settlement State. Substance Use & Misuse, 49 (11) 1365-75 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Bond, J., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., & Zemore, S. E. (2013). Who’s At Risk? Ethnic Drinking Cultures, Foreign Nativity, and Asian American Young Adult Drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74 (4) 532-541 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Roberts, S.C.M., & Bond, J. (2013). Understanding the contribution of income inequality to alcohol use patterns and associated problems. American Journal of Public Health, 103 (4) 649-656 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2013). Neighborhood socioeconomic status and substance use by US adults. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcep.2013.04.033 [Epub: 31 May 2013].. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, Abstract or Full Text
- Jones-Webb, R. & Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2013). Neighborhood disadvantage, high alcohol content beverage consumption, drinking norms, and drinking consequences: A mediation analysis. Journal of Urban Health, 90 (4) 667-684 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore, S.E., Mulia, N., Jones-Webb, R., Bond, J., & Greenfield, T.K. (2012). Neighborhood disadvantage and adult alcohol outcomes: Differential risk by race and sex. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73 (6) 856-873 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N. & Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2012). Interactive influences of neighborhood and individual socioeconomic status on alcohol consumption and problems. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 47 (2) 178-186 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Ye, Y., Nayak, M.B., Bond, J., Kerr, W.C, & Trocki, K. (2011). Heaviest drinking locations and the most drunk there predict the likelihood of fighting and being assaulted: results from the 2000 US National Alcohol Survey. Contemporary Drug Problems, 38 (Summer) 213-236 Abstract or Full Text
- Karriker-Jaffe, K.J. (2011). Areas of disadvantage: A systematic review of effects of area-level socioeconomic status on substance use. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30 84-95 Abstract or Full Text
- Kerr, W.C. (2010). Categorizing US State Drinking Practices and Consumption Trends. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 (1) 269-283 Abstract or Full Text
- Nyaronga, D., Greenfield, T. K., & McDaniel, P. A (2009). Drinking context and drinking problems among black, white and Hispanic men and women in the 1984, 1995 and 2005 U.S. National Alcohol Surveys. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70 (1) 16-26 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Yu, Y., Kerr, W.C., Bond, J., Rehm, J., and Giesbrecht, N. (2009). Externalities from alcohol consumption in the 2005 US National Alcohol Survey: Implications for policy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6 (12) 3205-3224 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., Schmidt, L., Bond, J., Jacobs, L., & Korcha, R. (2008). Stress, social support and problem drinking among women in poverty. Addiction, 103 (8) 1283-93 Abstract or Full Text
- Kairouz, S, Greenfield, T. K. (2007). A comparative multilevel analysis of contextual drinking in American and Canadian adults. Addiction, 102 (1) 71-80 Abstract or Full Text
- Mulia, N., & Schmidt, L. (2003). Conflicts and trade-offs due to alcohol and drugs: clients’ accounts of leaving welfare. Social Service Review, 77 (4) 499-522