ARG’s focus on international research involves projects that transcend national boundaries to address alcohol-related health problems and facilitate an effective global response.
Our work involves collaboration with international organizations such as the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization, country-level policy makers and regional partners to include research on global injury rates, risk of injury and drinking patterns, alcohol use and outcomes of individuals living near a national border, and country-specific consumption rates and risk of acute and chronic health issues.
Research findings to date have informed national and international policies, including low risk drinking guidelines, economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption, comparative risk assessment in the Global Burden of Disease estimates, formulation of the DSM-5 criteria for alcohol use disorders, evaluations of assessment tools, and recommendations for clinical best practice.
- Scientists
- Current Projects
Completed Projects
- Alcohol’s Harms to Others: Multinational Cultural Contexts and Policy Implications
- Hotspots: Understanding Areas of Concentrated Alcohol and Drug Problems at the US-Mexico Border (A Center Research Component)
- Social, Developmental and Genetic Epidemiology of Alcohol Use Disorders
- Epidemiology of Drinking and Disorders in Border vs. Non-Border Contexts
- European & American Drinking Contexts: Comparative Study of Young Adults
- Alcohol and Injury in Emergency Rooms in Poland
- ER Screening for Alcohol Problems in the U.S. & Mexico
- Screening for Alcohol Problems in the Emergency Room
- Population Drinking Patterns & HIV Risk in Goa, India
- Cross-national Analysis of Alcohol and Injury
- Sex, Alcohol, and Culture: Secondary Data Analysis
- Alcohol in Mexican-Origin Groups: U.S. and Mexican Surveys,
Selected Publications
- Sarah E. Zemore, Libo Li, Kara Bensley, Katherine J. Karriker-Jaffe, Cheryl Cherpitel (2022). Alcohol- and drug-related mortality among adults within and outside the U.S.-Mexico border region. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83 (2) 175-184 Abstract or Full Text
- Gimenez, P. V., Lichtenberger, A., Cremonte, M., Cherpitel, C. J., Peltzer, R. I., & Conde, K. (2022). Efficacy of brief intervention for alcohol consumption during pregnancy in Argentinean women: A randomized controlled trial. Substance Use & Misuse, 57 (5) 674-683 Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P. J., Peddireddy, S. R., Cook, W. K., Rossheim, M. E., Monteiro, M. G., & Jernigan, D. H. (2021). Alcohol policy scores and alcohol-attributable homicide rates in 150 countries. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 61 (3) 311-319 Abstract or Full Text
- Bensley, K., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Cherpitel, C., Li, L., Wallisch, L. S., & Zemore, S. E. (2021). Limited treatment accessibility: Implications for alcohol treatment disparities among Mexican Americans living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. , 121 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Witbrodt, J., Ye, Y., Monteiro, M. G., Málaga, H., Báez, J., & Valdés, M. (2021). Road traffic injuries and substance use among emergency department patients in the Dominican Republic and Peru. Pan American Journal of Public Health (Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública), 45 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W. K., Li, X., Sundquist, K., Kendler, K. S., Sundquist, J., & Karriker-Jaffe, K. J. (2021). Drinking cultures and socioeconomic risk factors for alcohol and drug use disorders among first- and second-generation immigrants: A longitudinal analysis of Swedish population data. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 226 Abstract or Full Text
- Borges, G., Lown, E.A., Orozco, R., Cherpitel, C.J., (2019). The relationship between social inequalities, substance use and violence in border and non-border cities of northern Mexico. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 200 1-5 Abstract or Full Text
- Callinan, S., Rankin, G., Room, R., Stanesby, O., Rao, G., Waleewong, O., Greenfield, T.K., Hope, A., Laslett, A.-M., (2019). Harms from a partner’s drinking: an international study on adverse effects and reduced quality of life for women. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 45 (2) 170-178 Abstract or Full Text
- Room, R., Callinan, S., Greenfield, T.K., Rekve, D., Waleewong, O., Stanesby, O., Thamarangsi, T., Benegal, V., Casswell, S., Florenzano, R., Hanh, H.T.M., Hettige, S., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Obot, I., Rao, G., Siengsounthone, L., Laslett, A.-M., (2019). The social location of harm from others’ drinking in 10 societies.. Addiction , 114 425-433 Abstract or Full Text
- Wallisch, L. & Zemore, S.E., Borges, G., Cherpitel, C.J., & Maxwell, J.C. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of arrests or stops for drunk driving on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17 478-500 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Monteiro, M. (2018). Risk of violence-related injury from alcohol consumption and burden to society in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 42 (7) Abstract or Full Text
- Trangenstein, P.J., Morojele, N.K., Lombard, C., Jernigan, D.H., Parry, C.D.H., (2018). Heavy drinking and contextual risk factors among adults in South Africa. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 13 43 Abstract or Full Text
- Wilsnack, S.C., Greenfield, T.K., Bloomfield, K.A., (2018). The GENAHTO Project (Gender and Alcohol’s Harm to Others): design and methods for a multinational study of alcohol’s harm to persons other than the drinker. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 7 37-47
- Tedor, M.F., Quinn, L.M., Wilsnack, S.C., Wilsnack, R.W., Greenfield, T.K (2018). The gender difference in the association between early onset of drinking and problem drinking between the U.S. and Japan. Deviant Behavior, 39 1578-1599 Abstract or Full Text
- Orozco, R., Benjet, C., Velasco-Acosta, S.R., Altamirano, L.M., Karriker-Jaffe, K.J., Zemore, S., Cherpitel, C.J., Borges, G., (2017). Area-level disadvantage and alcohol use disorder in northern Mexico. , 15 219-226 Abstract or Full Text
- Wallisch, L.S., Zemore, S.E., Borges, G., Cherpitel, C.J., Maxwell, J.C., (2017). Prevalence and correlates of arrests or stops for drunk driving on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 17 (4) 478-500 Abstract or Full Text
- Conde, K., Cremonte, M., López, M.B., Cherpitel, C.J., (2016). Gender and alcohol use disorders diagnostic criteria in emergency department patients in Argentina. Substance Use Misuse, 51 1629-1636 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., (2016). Alcohol and drug use at the U.S.-Mexico border – Does cross-border mobility make a difference?. Drug Abuse Journals, 2 (1) 13 Abstract or Full Text
- Borges, G., Cherpitel, C.J., Orozco, R., Zemore, S.E., Wallisch, L., Medina-Mora, M.E., et al (2016). Substance use and cumulative exposure to American society: findings from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border region. American Journal of Public Health, 106 (1) 119-127 Abstract or Full Text
- Clausen, T., Martinez, P., Towers, A., Greenfield, T.K., Kowal, P., (2015). Alcohol consumption at any level increases risk of injury caused by others: data from the Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health. Substance Abuse , 9 125-132 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Moskalewicz, J., Swiatkiewicz, G. (2015). Does Brief Intervention Work For Heavy Episodic Drinking? A Comparison of Emergency Department Patients in Two Cultures. Alkoholizm i Narkomania (Alcoholism and Drug Addiction), Sept 28 (3) 145-162 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J., Ye, Y., Bond, J., Borge,s G., Monteiro, M., Chou, P., Hao, W. (2015). Alcohol attributable fraction for injury morbidity from the dose-response relationship of acute alcohol consumption: emergency department data from 18 countries. Addiction, 110 (11) 1724-1732 Abstract or Full Text
- Borges G., Zamora B., Garcia J., Orozco R., Cherpitel C.J., Zemore S., Breslau J. (2015). Symptoms of anxiety on both sides of the US-Mexico border: the role of immigration. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 61 46-51 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel C.J., Ye Y., Bond J., Zemore S.E., Borges G., Greenfield T.K. (2015). Border effects on DSM-5 alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Jan. 19 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel C.J., Ye Y., Bond J., Borges G., Monteiro M. (2015). Relative risk of injury from acute alcohol consumption: modeling the dose-response relationship in emergency department data from 18 countries. Addiction, 110 (2) 279-88 Abstract or Full Text
- Thapa SB, Martinez P, Clausen T (2014). Depression and its correlates in South Africa and Ghana among people aged 50 and above: findings from the WHO Study on global AGEing and adult health. Journal of Psychiatry, 17
- Cook, W.K., Bond, J., & Greenfield, T. (2014). Are Alcohol Policies Associated with Alcohol Consumption in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?. Addiction, 109 (7) 1081-1090 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield T.K., Karriker-Jaffe K.J., Giesbrecht N., Kerr W.C., Ye Y., Bond J. (2014). Second-hand drinking may increase support for alcohol policies: new results from the 2010 National Alcohol Survey. Drug & Alcohol Review, 33 (3) 259-267 Abstract or Full Text
- Pillai A., Nayak M.B., Greenfield T.K., Bond J.C., Hasin D.S., Patel V. (2014). Adolescent drinking onset and its adult consequences among men: a population based study from India. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68 (10) 922-7 Abstract or Full Text
- Korcha, R. A., & Cremonte, M. (2013). Comparison of demographic characteristics as predictors of alcohol use and injury by country level income. In C. J. Cherpitel, G. Borges, N. Giesbrecht, M. Monteiro, E. Per̩z & T. Stockwell (Eds.), Prevention of Alcohol-Related Injuries in the Americas: From evidence to policy action. Washington, DC: Pan American Health Organization.,
- Cherpitel, C.J., Borges, G., Giesbrecht, N., Monteiro, M., Stockwell, T. (Editors) (2013). Prevention of Alcohol-related injuries in the Americas: From Evidence to Policy Action. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization,
- Korcha, R. A., Cherpitel, C. J., Ye, Y., Bond, J., Andreuccetti, G., Borges, G., & Bazargan-Hejazi, S. (2013). Alcohol use and injury severity among emergency department patients in six countries. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 24 (3) 158-165 Abstract or Full Text
- Roberts S.C.M., Bond J., Korcha R., Greenfield T.K. (2013). Genderedness of Bar Drinking Culture and Alcohol-Related Harms: A Multi-Country Study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 11 (1) 50-63 Abstract or Full Text
- Cook, W.K. & Cherpitel, C. (2012). Access to health care and heavy drinking in patients with diabetes and hypertension. Substance Use & Misuse, 47 (6) 726-733 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C.J. & Ye, Y. (2012). Multi-level analysis of alcohol-related injury and drinking pattern: emergency department data from 19 countries. Addiction, 107 1263-1272 Abstract or Full Text
- Room, R., Mäkelä, P., Benegal, V., Greenfield, T.K., Hettige, S., Tumwesigye, N.M. & Wilsnack, R. (2012). Times to drink: cross-cultural variations in drinking in the rhythm of the week. International Journal of Public Health, 57 (1) 107-117 Abstract or Full Text
- Korcha, R. A., Cherpitel, C. J., Moskalewicz, J., Swiatkiewicz, G., Bond, J., & Ye, Y. (2012). Readiness to change, drinking, and negative consequences among Polish SBIRT patients. Addictive Behaviors, 37 (3) 287-292 Abstract or Full Text
- Greenfield, T.K., Nayak, M.B., Bond, J., Patel, V., Trocki, K. & Pillai, A. (2010). Validating alcohol use measures among male drinkers in Goa: implications for research on alcohol, sexual risk, and HIV in India. AIDS and Behavior, 14 S84-93 Abstract or Full Text
- Bond, J.C., Roberts, S.C.M., Greenfield, T.K., Korcha, R., Ye, Y. & Nayak, M. (2010). Gender differences in public and private drinking contexts: A multi-level GENACIS analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 2136-2160 Abstract or Full Text
- Nayak, M.B., Patel, V., Bond, J., & Greenfield, T.K. (2010). Partner alcohol use, violence and women’s mental health: a population based survey in India.. British Journal of Psychiatry, 196 192-199 Abstract or Full Text
- Nayak, M.B., Bond, J., Cherpitel, C.J., Patel, V., & Greenfield, T.K. (2009). Detecting alcohol use disorders in developing countries: a comparison of two screening measures in India.. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33 (12) 2057-2066 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Borges, G., Giesbrecht, N., Hungerford, D., Peden, M., Poznyak, V., Room, R., & Stockwell, T. (Eds.). (2009). Alcohol and Injuries: Emergency department studies in an international perspective. Geneva: World Health Organization,
- Nayak, M. B., Kerr, W. C., Greenfield, T. K., & Pillai, A (2008). Not all drinks are created equal: implications for alcohol assessment in India. Alcohol Alcohol, 43 (6) 713-18 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Robertson, M. J., Ye, Y., Borges, G., Bautista, C. F., Lown, E. A., Greenfield, T. K., & Bond, J. (2007). Co-morbidity for alcohol use disorders and drug use in Mexican-origin groups: comparison of data from national alcohol surveys in the U.S. and Mexico. Substance Use and Misuse, 42 (11) 1685-703 Abstract or Full Text
- Borges, G., Medina-Mora, M.E., Lown, E. A., Ye, Y., Robertson, M. J., Cherpitel, C. J., Greenfield, T. K. (2006). Alcohol use disorders in national samples of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans: the Mexican National Addiction Survey and the U.S. National Alcohol Survey. Hisp. J. Behav. Sci., 28 (3) 425-49
- Moskalewicz, J., Swiatkiewicz, G., Cherpitel, C. J., & Ye, Y. (2006). Results of two emergency room studies. Eur. Addiction Res., 12 (4) 169-75 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Ye, Y., Moskalewicz, J., & Swiatkiewicz, G. (2005). Risk of injury: a case-crossover analysis of injured emergency service patients in Poland. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res., 29 (12) 2181-87 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Ye, Y., Moskalewicz, J., & Swiatkiewicz, G. (2005). Screening for alcohol problems in two emergency service samples in Poland: comparison of the RAPS4, CAGE, and AUDIT. Drug Alcohol Depend., 80 201-07 Abstract or Full Text
- Benegal, V., Nayak, M. B., Murthy, P., Chandra, P. S., & Gururaj, G. (2005). Women and alcohol in India. Alcohol, Gender and Drinking Problems. Perspectives from low and middle income countries, 89-123
- Vogeltanz-Holm, N. D., Neve, R. J. M., Greenfield, T. K., Wilsnack, R. W., Kubicka, L., Wilsnack, S. C., Fleming, J. M., & Spak, F. (2004). A cross-cultural analysis of women’s drinking and drinking-related problems in five countries: findings from the international research group on gender and alcohol. Addiction Research & Theory, 12 (1) 31-40 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Moskalewicz, J., & Swiatkiewicz, G. (2004). Drinking patterns and problems in emergency services in Poland. Alcohol Alcohol, 39 (3) 256-61 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Bond, J., Ye, Y., Borges, G., Macdonald, S., & Giesbrecht, N. A. (2003). A cross-national meta-analysis of alcohol and injury: data from the Emergency Room Collaborative Alcohol Analysis Project (ERCAAP). Addiction, 98 1277-86 Abstract or Full Text
- Bloomfield, K., Greenfield, T. K., Kraus, L., & Augustin, R. (2002). A comparison of drinking patterns and alcohol-use-related problems in the United States and Germany, 1995. Subst. Use Misuse, 37 (4) 399-428 Abstract or Full Text
- Borges, G., Cherpitel, C. J. (2001). Selection of screening items for alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence among Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the Emergency Department. J. Stud. Alcohol, 62 227-85 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., &, Borges, G. (2000). Screening instruments for alcohol problems: a comparison of cut points between Mexican American and Mexican patients in the emergency room. Subst. Use Misuse, 35 (10) 1419-30 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., &, Borges, G. (2000). Performance of screening instruments for alcohol problems in the ER: a comparison of Mexican-Americans and Mexicans in Mexico. Am. J. Drug Alcohol Abuse, 26 (4) 683-702 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J. (2000). A brief screening instrument for problem drinking in the emergency room: the RAPS4. J. Stud. Alcohol, 61 447-49 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J., Borges, G, Medina-Mora, M E (2000). Screening for alcohol problems: a comparison of instrument performance between the ER and the general population among Mexican Americans and Mexicans in Mexico. Addict. Res., 9 (1) 59-72
- Kerr, W. C., Fillmore, K.M., & Marvy, P. (2000). Beverage-specific alcohol consumption and cirrhosis mortality in a group of English-speaking beer-drinking countries. Addiction, 95 (3) 339-46 Abstract or Full Text
- Cherpitel, C. J. (1998). Differences in performance of screening instruments for problem drinking among blacks, whites and Hispanics in an emergency room population. J. Stud. Alcohol, 59 420-26
- Cherpitel, C. J. (1998). Performance of screening instruments for identifying alcohol dependence in the general population, compared to clinical populations. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res., 22 (7) 1399-404
- Cherpitel, C. J. (1995). Screening for alcohol problems in the emergency room: a rapid alcohol problems screen. Drug Alcohol Depend., 40 133-37