Funding: California Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity (OHE)
The California Reducing Disparities Project (CRDP) is a statewide prevention and early intervention effort to achieve mental health equity for populations most affected by disparities —African Americans; Asian and Pacific Islanders (API); Latinos; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ); and Native American. The goal of Phase 2 is to demonstrate the effectiveness of “Community Defined Evidence Practices” (CDEPs) in preventing or reducing mental health problems through a rigorous community-participatory evaluation process over the 5-year period.
As the Technical Assistance Provider for the API population, we provide ongoing and culturally-responsive consultation, training, and capacity-building for the 7 API Implementation Pilot Projects (IPPs) throughout California. We ground our TA services through a strength-based, peer-learning, and community-driven approach. CRDP is funded by Proposition 64, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). For more information about Special Service for Groups and
CRDP, go to: